Five Fundamental Negotiation Practices to Open Opportunity


When you deal with your potential or existing clients in the corporate world, negotiation is a common practice. Almost all business professionals use savvy negotiation strategies to ace that milestone of a deal for their company. But do you know that many successful negotiators are self-taught? And all of them have one thing in common between them: impeccable negotiation fundamentals.

Fundamentals like understanding the negotiation environment and reading the room are integral if you want to close any negotiation on your terms. Experts in negotiation employ straightforward but potent techniques such as active listening and situational awareness to utilize the most effective strategies for achieving their goals in any negotiation. Achieving such results is contingent upon the ability to swiftly comprehend the dynamics of the situation and think on one’s feet. If you’re looking to enhance your skills in this area and make your business interactions more effective, it’s worth considering how you can improve your business interactions with SNI’s negotiation program. This program offers valuable insights and tools to sharpen your negotiation skills and adapt to various scenarios.

To set you on a path to become a negotiation expert, we have handpicked the best negotiation practices that will strengthen your fundamentals and never fail you. Check them out.

Preparation Is Half the Battle

Entering into a negotiation without proper preparation means increasing your chances of losing the deal in the first place. As a rule of thumb, precede every negotiation with research. Ensure that you are clear on what you are expecting out of the arrangement.

Research the other side of the table to comprehend their needs. Decipher their strengths and weaknesses. If you are doing it for the first time, you can even seek help from the experts to understand the details that go into a negotiation. Once you have enough information, every approach you make will be well informed.

Timing Is Essential

In any negotiation, timing has a vital role to play. Along with knowing what to ask for, you must also understand when to ask for it. For instance, the best time to ask the opposite party to agree to one of your terms is when you have recently agreed to one of theirs. Waiting for the proper timing before approaching situations can open up windows of opportunity that you can promptly act on.

It is also said that the best negotiator is the one who not only speaks but listens as well. Thus, apart from being a good speaker, it is vital to be a good listener, too. Be patient when it comes to listening, and opportunities will present themselves.

Compromises Are Welcome 

While you are preparing for the upcoming negotiation, it is also good to define your topmost and lowest terms of negotiation like price, timeline, deliverables, etc. If you argue convincingly, you can always aim high; however, it is best to plan for a middle ground.

Experts recommend anticipating a compromise. Allow yourself to make a few concessions and then observe how the negotiation unfolds. While making concessions, you can either wait for the other side or propose the compromise first. Both the events will work in your favor.

Hurdles Are Opportunities in Disguise

The other side might meet the solutions you propose with problems. They will give you reasons for not giving you what you want. It is because they may not believe in your solutions, don’t understand the full scope of it, or maybe just playing it hard.

In such situations, having a mindset of looking at problems as opportunities can work wonders. Show them you can quickly think on the feet, and adapt your solution to address their problems. For instance, if they complain about your timeline being too long, proposing an approach with phases where you take on the most crucial part of the project first, deliver it, and then continue on the others, can be the perfect solution. Remember: Aim to knock out every ball they throw at you out of the park.

Close the Deal and Close Any Misunderstandings

Once everything is discussed, and the conclusion is drawn, it’s time to close the meeting by getting everyone on the same page. Recap all the points covered and all the areas of the agreement. Ensure that everybody agrees to the deal and no one is under any false impressions regarding the terms of the agreement.


During any negotiation, you must stick to your fundamentals to help you guide through the various nuances of a negotiation. Keeping a solid hold on these steps will ensure that you close the deal and emerge victoriously.

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