Tips on How to Increase the Conversion Rate of Your Business

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Everyone who visits your website is a potential customer! The goal of every business is to convert visitors into leads, subscribers, and customers. But most of the time, businesses do not convert visitors and end up losing them forever. Conversion Rate ( CR) is one of the most important metrics on your website.

So, how can you convert more visitors into customers? What will influence visitors to start communicating with a business? Below, you will read some key factors that will help to increase your CR.

Live chat widgets on your website

As we all know, people love to ask questions, even if they already know the answer. So, provide them with an opportunity to communicate with a customer support specialist. A live chat widget is the best option. This type of communication with a visitor will increase the chance of moving your website visitors to the next level of your marketing funnel. According to the research, 75% of millennials prefer texting to talking (Pew Research Organisation). Marketers should consider this fact while developing their marketing strategy. Naturally, this makes live chat the best solution for businesses that do not want to lose potential customers.

It is also important to provide users the opportunity to choose where they would like to continue communication with your business: via a live chat widget on your website or on messengers like Facebook Messenger, Telegram, etc.


Messenger marketing and chatbots

Messenger marketing is one of the main digital marketing trends as of late. Millennials and Gen Z use messengers every day — Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and more. So why should businesses ignore these channels of communication? Moreover, it is possible to automate processes and provide information automatically with chatbots. For example, with a chatbot, it is possible to provide information about your product portfolio, navigate people through frequently asked questions, or make a quiz to help you better understand visitors’ wants so that when it is time for a person to step in, they are brought up to speed on the lead’s situation right away.

User experience and user interface is another key to success

Site usability is another factor affecting conversion rates. Most of the time, the quality of a resource is not limited to the technical aspect. Visitors who understand design are more likely to place an order or give you their contact information. The first impression of a web resource is 94% dependent on its interface, and the level of trust is 75% dependent on external aesthetics. The emotions a site’s appearance evokes in the visitor are directly related to how they will act next — go to the next page or close the site.

Also, individuals get frustrated when they have to spend too much time trying to find the product they are looking for. Your CR will increase if a potential buyer quickly gets to the product page. Some experts insist on the “rule of 3 clicks,” according to which the optimal structure of the site allows you to get to any page in 3 or fewer clicks.

It is also important to know how users interact with a specific page on your website. To do this, you need to view the screen through the eyes of the user — heat maps will help you do just that. Heat maps visually show where people click, stop scrolling and spend more time exploring a page element. There are tons of tools that will help you to create heat maps.

To conclude, it is important to use tools like live chat and chatbots to convert website visitors into leads, subscribers, and customers. What’s more, design matters! When developing your website, think about how to make it comfortable and easy to use.

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