Smartphone Tips: Keeping on Top of Your Leads When You’re Constantly Traveling

When you travel on business, keeping track of your leads and sales, not to mention staying in touch with your team, can be tricky. So how can you make things easier?

Here are some tips and helpful tools you can use to keep track of everything with ease when you are on the road.


Follow Up with Your Leads Quickly

One of the first things to remember is that you should not make your leads wait. These cannot wait until tomorrow, so you have to be quick. Even if a lead has to wait more than a few hours, this could affect your success with them.

Set up a process for handling your leads before you travel. You could direct them to a mailbox that is accessed by different people on your team rather than just you, and this way when a lead comes in, someone can deal with it even if you are on a plane. Or you could use customer service software to speed things up.


Use a Call Recording App

One of the big problems when you are traveling on business involves taking important calls when you are not in your office. You don’t have access to your computer, it may be noisy, and you might not be in the right place to take down important information.

One solution is to use a call recorder app on your smartphone. The Automatic Call Recorder for Me app is available for Android smartphones, and it makes recording your calls very simple. So you can hold all of your important calls with your leads without having to worry about remembering any details.

After you call has ended, you can listen back to it as many times as you want when you are in a better position to take down notes.


Share Presentations

When new leads come in, you may want to show them important information to help them make a decision about working with you. One way you might want to do this is through showing them a presentation. However, if you are traveling on business, you won’t be able to do this in person.

This is where dedicated sales tools can help. Using such a tool, you can share documents and presentations with ease from wherever you are. Your leads can then access them when it is most convenient for them.

One of the best is Octiv. This not only allows you to share sales presentations but it also tracks them. You can see who is viewing them, how long they spend viewing them and more, and this can indicate which leads are the most likely to buy.


Collaborate with Your Team

Finally, you will want to collaborate with your sales team when you are on the road, and you can do this using a number of tools. Google Drive is a simple way to collaborate on documents, including spreadsheets and presentations. Or you may want to use something more advanced like Salesforce.

Mobile apps are available for both of these, so you can keep in touch with your sales reps and share info wherever you are.

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