Testimonials Can Convince a Potential Client to Make That Call

Customer on Phone

By Rachel Reynolds

What if you and your competitor down the street are competing for the attention of a potential client who is toggling back-and-forth between your websites, trying to decide who to call? You have excellent credentials, and so does your competitor. You’ve won some big legal cases, so have they.

What could be the one thing that tips the scales and causes the potential client to call you?


There are few things more powerful than a satisfied client describing in their own words why your firm is fabulous and, above all, the best choice.

That’s because customers listen to other customers when it comes to evaluating a service provider. The power of client testimonials cannot be overstated! There’s nothing like an independent, third-party endorsement to convert a website visitor into a lead. Website content — even when it’s well-written and compelling — will always be made more powerful when it is accompanied by comments from enthusiastic, satisfied clients.

Whether they describe your firm culture, your service or your accomplishments, published comments from happy clients are often essential in attracting new clients to your firm and increasing word-of-mouth referrals.

A lot of law firm marketing can be expensive, but client testimonials are low hanging fruit. They cost no money — it only takes 5 minutes and 3 sentences to recommend your firm.

Marketing has evolved, moving away from “here’s a list of what you get” toward an emotional “let me tell you why I’m so satisfied.” Online marketing has become an open line of communication between you and the potential client, according to “Take It From Me” – Why Testimonials Are So Effective.

Strategic Factory, a Maryland marketing and branding firm, writes in the article:

“Instead of ‘taking your word’ for it that your product or service is going to impact their lives positively, it lets real customers hear from other real customers why the decision they’re about to make is a good one.” 


Testimonials create a deeper, more emotional appeal for your branding. Strategic Factory goes on to offer these statistics:

  • Regular use of client testimonials can help you generate 62% more revenue from every customer, every visit, according to one study.
  • A whopping 92% of people say they read testimonials when considering a purchase.
  • 88% of consumers say they trust reviews and testimonials just as much as personal recommendations from people they know, according to this same study.
  • And 40% of consumers form an opinion by reading just one to three clients’ comments.

What Makes a Great Testimonial?

For law firms, there are certain elements that make a client testimonial powerful. The more of these that are included, the better:

  1. A REALLY happy client.
  2. A short 2-3 sentences.
  3. Statements that are convincing and believable.
  4. As many specifics as a client is willing to give including the outcome, a circumspect reference to the amount of the award (“sizable” or “very large”), the practice area involved and the quality of your client service.
  5. Their full name, if possible, but even a first name and last initial is good.
  6. A headshot (remind clients that a selfie with a smart phone is fine).
  7. And if you’re really lucky — a client who is willing to provide a video review.

Testimonials can be sprinkled across your firm’s website with the most outstanding one appearing on your homepage. Others can appear on you practice area pages. If you’re fortunate enough to get 5-6 client testimonials, you can create a testimonials tab on your site with multiple happy clients that deliver a strong one-two punch.

Video testimonials are a little bit trickier and more costly because you need to hire a professional videographer, set up lighting and a tripod, and convince clients to get in their cars and drive somewhere for a shoot. But if you have the budget and cooperative clients, video testimonials are fantastic!

Otherwise, clients can simply write a 2 to 3 sentence testimonial in an email, attach a selfie headshot, and hit the send button. Or you can create a template or automated system that makes writing a testimonial nearly effortless. It’s that easy to secure a testimonial from a satisfied client.

Asking a Satisfied Client for a Testimonial

Strike while the iron is hot!

The best time to ask clients for a testimonial is when you hand them the award or settlement check and they are relieved and satisfied. Ask them in person if you can and then follow up a few days later with a phone call or email. Give them as many ways as possible to provide a testimonial including email, text, website form or even by phone with a staff member taking notes. If you need more ideas about asking clients for testimonials, our Gladiator professionals would be glad to help. Contact us at 888-683-3212.

Encourage clients to write only a few sentences, stressing that a longer paragraph or two is not necessary. A request for a shorter testimonial is good for a couple of reasons. First, you’re more likely to get it if the client thinks it will only take a minute or two to write rather than hours of their time. And second, website visitors don’t have the patience to read long narrative testimonials — they’ll only read a few sentences before deciding whether or not to make a phone call to your law firm. They are more likely to read several, if not all, of your testimonials if they can do so quickly.

Boast, a specialty marketing firm in Lansing, Michigan, offers examples of testimonial request emails that work and also lists 10 Tips To Request a Testimonial Fast and Easy. Here are the tips they recommend:

  1. Don’t Wait
  2. Solve Problems
  3. Customize Your Testimonial Request
  4. Make It Easy
  5. Use Many Different Methods
  6. Follow Up
  7. Automate
  8. Ask the Right Questions
  9. Offer Incentives
  10. Be Sincere

Boast also offers 9 downloadable email templates that do the heavy lifting and show you how to create personalized requests for client testimonials.

Let Happy Clients Convince Prospective Clients

Every law firm has limited marketing dollars and is always looking for cost-effective ways to attract new clients and increase their bottom line. Let satisfied clients help you do that!

Client testimonials on your website are a powerful tool that nudges readers to make that call and initiate contact with your firm. It only takes 5 minutes and 3 sentences to create a testimonial, and satisfied clients are often willing to do this for you. The best time to ask them is in person when you hand them a settlement check.

In today’s marketplace, customers rely on other customers to get the honest lowdown on which companies and firms provide the best services. Gone are the days when customers want to be “sold to.” Instead, clients are looking for third-party endorsements and feedback that convince them that they’re making the right choice.

You can place online testimonials on your website homepage and practice area pages to reinforce the credibility and trustworthiness of your brand.

So get out there! Ask happy clients to write testimonials on your behalf. Do this on a consistent, routine basis and you’ll have loads of testimonials to use in your marketing efforts!

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