Financing a Home Business: Eight Ways to Get Started

Person speaking with investors
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

When starting a business, most people begin with things like naming the company and creating a logo. Whether determining your structure or making a detailed marketing strategy, starting your own business takes a lot of work. Of all the things to consider, financing a home business is one of the most crucial factors for company success. When a business is just starting, you can get money from bank loans or financial institutions. Some entrepreneurs choose to bring in investors to share ownership in the business to procure the initial working capital it needs to cover the costs of building a new business.

Understanding your business financing options can be challenging. If you are looking for a home business loan for a company operating inside your house, it can even be harder. For small business owners to get a loan, lenders need to evaluate your company. They will be looking at things like your assets and credit history. However, just because your home business might not look the same as a company with its own space, it does not mean you are out of options.

This article tells you all you need to know about financing a home business and eight ways to help you get started.

What Is a Home Business?

A home business or a home-based business is any business where the primary office is located in the owner’s home. Your home or garage can become a venue for your business. You do not have to own the property, but you need to be running a business out of the same place you live in for the business to be considered a home business. Becoming a small business owner at home is an option if you do not need and want to run your business from a rented place. Starting a home business is a great option if you want to minimize your start-up expenses. It is also ideal for individuals who cannot leave their homes every day for long periods.

What Is Home Business Financing?

One of the things you need to consider if you are planning to start a business from home is your credit report. People with poor credit may find it hard to finance their start-up business. Although there is no minimum credit score for you to get a business loan, you must have a good credit score for lenders to consider giving you a loan. If you have a low credit score, you might want to consider an alternative loan. The right financing for your business will depend on why you need it, how fast you need it, and the qualifications of your business.

There are multiple ways to finance a business that might suit your needs better. Understanding each of them and what is good about these options can help you narrow it down. Here are eight funding options to help you.

Eight Ways for Financing a Home Business


The easiest and most cost-effective way to provide for your new business is to use your savings. Starting a business using the cash you saved will prevent you from taking on debt. In addition, taking out a loan for your business will require you to pay an interest rate on the principal. You can avoid this if you use your own money. In addition, the application and processing of loans ― even quick cash loans — can take weeks or even months. To start as quickly as possible, personal funding might be better if you have the money available.

However, using your own money to finance your business also has its downsides. It can put a strain on your family and personal life. You may not have enough money left to cover your living costs.

Credit Cards

Credit cards offer convenient ways for businesses to make purchases and pay for these purchases at a later date. Several credit cards are available that are for business use.  Some of these come with rewards programs to earn miles, money, or points. nts. If you use credit card to finance your business, make sure that you understand the difference between personal credit cards and business cards. For accounting and tax purposes, it is best to keep both types of expenses separate.

Remember that when applying for a credit card, your credit score matters as well. The better your credit score is, the higher your approval rate is, with lower interest.

SBA Microloan Program

The Small Business Administration (SBA) Microloan Program is a program that assists women, low-income individuals, veterans, minority entrepreneurs, and other small business owners in need of financing and business-based technical assistance. It offers working capital up to $50,000 for business growth.

Applying for microloans is a good financing option. Their rates are competitive and their pay back periods are shorter for the money borrowed.


If you want to raise money from a group of people for your business, then consider crowdfunding. Different crowdfunding platforms cater to start-up businesses.

Here is the typical way that crowdfunding works: You create a proposal on the platform explaining how much money you want to raise and your reasons for needing the money. Investors review your proposal and decide whether to invest in your business.

Some crowdfunding platforms are rewards-based, in which you offer investors a reward instead of paying them back. Other platforms include peer-to-peer lenders, in which the crowd raises your working capital. However, it must also be repaid to the investors just like other loans. Research good crowdfunding campaign ideas to increase your chances of getting others to invest in your business.

Angel Investors

An angel investor is a high-net-worth individual who provides financial assistance for small businesses or entrepreneurs in exchange for ownership equity in the company. Working with angel investors is advantageous. You will not have to pay for the money you are getting. However, when you accept financing from angel investors or venture capital firms, you lose some ownership and control of your business as a result.

Friends and Family

Asking your friends and family is also an option to finance your business if you are on the fence about using other types of financing. Friends and family are likely to offer you more flexibility and better borrowing rates than traditional lenders. However, keep in mind that when borrowing from people you know can be difficult also. If you do not have the cash flow to repay these personal loans, it can hurt your relationships with them. So make sure that you have an estimated revenue projection that can help you gauge your ability to pay back the money.

Business Loans and Lines of Credit

The more common ways to get financing are business loans and lines of credit.

Different types of business loans include:

  • Short-term loans;
  • Long-term loans;
  • Development loans; and
  • Equipment financing.

Qualifying for these at banks may be difficult for new businesses, whereas online lenders may be more flexible in offering financing terms.

On the other hand, with a line of credit, you can make purchases for your business like a credit card and then repay those amounts.

Invoice Financing or Factoring

Consider factoring if you have existing clients and cash flow. Factoring enables you to leverage your business’s accounts receivables to borrow money. The factoring company bases the amount of money it lends on the value of your accounts receivables. You then repay the money you borrowed as invoices are paid, or the factoring company collects money directly from your clients.

The disadvantage of factoring is that it can get pricey because factoring companies may charge fees rather than standard annual percentage rates.

How to Find the Best Home Business Financing Options

Finding the best home business financing option can be difficult and can take up so much of your time. However, remember that financing is one of the most important things you need to have for your business to be successful. You need to take the time to look for the best way to fund your company.

Make sure to stay on top of your cash flow, operating capital, and financial needs. It pays to know what you need and where you need to get it, especially if you are going to have to work a bit more to secure financing.


There are many different ways for financing a home business. You can raise money through investments by pitching your ideas to financial backers or gathering funding through crowdsourcing platforms. You can also seek out loans from banks and other financial institutions to get your company up and running. As long as you have a clean track record, you know what you need the money for, and choose the right financing product or service, you can get the financing required to take your home business to the next level.

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