How to Recover from Poor Financial Advice

Coins spilling out of jar

At some point in our lives, we may think about approaching a financial expert for some insight into how we can best invest our money to help our futures. However, this advice might not always be sound. It sometimes results in people actually losing money instead of gaining it. This can be crippling; resulting in you potentially losing everything you hold dear. Though it may seem impossible in the moment, here are some tips to help you recover from poor financial advice.


As difficult as it might be, the first thing you need to do is simply accept the situation you are in. You will do yourself no help if all you do is focus on the fact that you have ended up here.

Picture this as just a setback in the road to success. Letting go of resentment and frustration may be quite difficult; especially if you are not the one to blame for your financial failure. Instead, focus on what you have left. It could be a loved one, it could be a belonging you have managed to hold onto, or anything else you could imagine. Focus on that as your driving force.


Identify what it was which put you in the position you are currently in. Was it mis sold shares or a poor investment? You may need to come up with an exit strategy which can help you get out of any rut you may be stuck in. Speak to a lawyer to see if there is something which can get you out of any contracts you may be stuck in.

Use this stage to also plan how you are going to move forward and make money again. It is all very well and good to say that you want to earn £X by a certain date, but is that goal realistic and attainable for you? If it is not, you may need to consider reworking it.

If you are dealing with other stresses like a looming credit card debt, don’t be afraid to talk to a qualified financial advisor again. They may be able to come up with a plan to get you out of your current problems.


The road to financial success is unlikely to be easy. It is going to take a lot of willpower and strength on your part if you want to succeed. Keep your eyes firmly on your goal and evaluate the first steps you will need to take to get started again. They might be easier than you think.

Saying that you will learn from your financial mistakes has never been truer than it has here. Make sure you remember what it was that led to your situation before. If it is something that can be avoided, don’t do it again. If you have the will to do it, you are now in a more well-informed position which will allow you to make a better judgement about how to proceed.

Financial ruin does not have to be the end. Take your time, think carefully, and before you know it you will be successful again.

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