Best Altcoins to Invest in 2021

Photo by Roger Brown from Pexels

Have you considered trading Altcoins during 2021? The crypto sector offers an opportunity to trade various digital coins. There are many Altcoins available, with several others being launched in the market every year. It’s not strange if you find yourself in a tough spot in identifying the best Altcoins to trade within the sector.

Several cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are renowned globally, while others are yet to meet their economic potential. This article aims to help our various readers get a closer view.

Why trade Altcoins?

Last year was exceptional for the crypto industry as investor-driven demand drove the prices of many Altcoins and other cryptos to the roof. Still, traders are exploring some of the favorable impacts within the industry. The pandemic impacts brought forth high unemployment rates, global financial turmoil, and affected world economies; therefore, it’s irrational to trade feigned digital currencies.

Despite a particular set of risks, there are reliable coins within the crypto industry, which investors buy and sell to generate a substantial return when their prices fluctuate. According to Statista data, over 50 million investors are harnessing these coins’ potential to develop extra income streams.

Moreover, trading cryptocurrencies enables traders to improve their trading skills and devise reliable tactics. In addition, the idea behind Altcoins is backed by the robust Blockchain tech that has a flair for transforming the global financial market.

In order to catch the maximum investment growth at the very start, it is important to determine in advance promising recently issued tokens; this is described in detail in the leading finance media

However, to trade Altcoins, including other significant cryptocurrencies, you will need to rely on regulated platforms such as the Bitcoin Era. According to crypto traders, these trading platforms have been in the industry for several years now and have turned quite reliable.

The Bitcoin Era has excellent features, which are attracting a wide range of traders worldwide. Anyone can join the Bitcoin Era and start to create an extra income flow by trading various Altcoins when their prices fluctuate.

Best Altcoins to trade


Among the renowned Altcoins in the crypto industry, Litecoin ranks as one of the best investment tools. Litecoin offers options to Bitcoin, and many analysts term it as silver to Bitcoin.

Based on the market cap, Litecoin is among the top Altcoins and has a total supply of 84 million units exceeding the total supply of Bitcoin, which stands at 21 million units.

Litecoin hit the crypto market in 2011 and takes advantage of a proof-of-work method termed scrypt that is relatively effective compared to the Bitcoin algorithm. Since Litecoin is affordable and quicker in transactions, many analysts consider it to lead the crypto race over the coming years, with its latest price at $197.5 as of this writing.


It’s no surprise that Ethereum ranks within the list because it’s considered one of the best coins to trade during 2021. Despite encountering stiff competition from Altcoins, for instance, NEO and EOS, we cannot dispute that Ethereum comes second after the dominant crypto (Bitcoin).

Many analysts consider Ethereum as more than a digital currency because it supports decentralized apps and smart contracts that have a vast array of benefits within various fields and businesses.

However, it’s a wise move to confirm the coin symbols since in 2016, Ethereum was split into Ethereum coin (ETH coin) and Ethereum Classic (ETC coin).

Many market analysts foresee an excellent future for Ethereum, while one coin is currently trading at USD 1,753.

Ripple (XRP)

Several cryptocurrencies, including Altcoins, are intended to disrupt the current financial system via phasing out the urgency for local banks, Ripple, as an exceptional Altcoin, intends to modify the existing system.

Ripple is founded on the grounds of addressing the gap between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies and enhancing quicker international payments. When you consider the current SWIFT system used by global banks, which involves lengthy transaction periods and costly fees, Ripple appears as a preferred choice because its transactions are executed within a couple of minutes.

Ripple’s primary goal is to enable faster international payments; thus, large institutional investors have joined the Ripple race. Additionally, several global traders are investing in the coin, a move that has propelled Ripple’s price and currently is trading at USD 0.47.

Tezos (XTZ)

Tezos has emerged as a reliable asset to invest in during the previous years. Tezos is a unique asset since it’s an adaptive and Blockchain-based coin that addresses on-chain governance issues. In any case, governance seems entirely instrumental to enhance the application, improve decision-making, and growth for a digital coin in the long run.

What if traders can suggest adjustments to their preferred digital coins without worrying about rowdy people who complicate the acceptance of Altcoins? Tezos directs efforts on decentralized autonomous organization, which enables members of the society to raise their views and promote stability within its large user-base.

Tezos depends on a proof-of-stake and a robust verification system that functions to enable accurate smart contracts and transactions.

Although Tezos had a bumpy beginning that is connected to its blatant Initial Coin Offering, the Tezos network offers excellent services that have attracted a large number of investors to stake on the asset.


To sum it all, let us have a close view of IOTA, which ranks among the best Altcoins on our list. Although various cryptocurrencies depend on robust Blockchain tech, IOTA is relatively distinct.

Most notably, IOTA taps on a directed acyclic graph crucial to keep transactions on its distributed ledger that is different from the Blockchain-based ledger. This also means that IOTA transactions are placed on the web.

Many analysts say that such a structure enables convenient transaction periods and high scalability within the internet ecosystem. IOTA displays excellent potential because of its ability to create a network of interconnected IOTA devices.


Trading comes with its own sets of risks, but traders rely on regulated platforms to make extra cash by trading various Altcoins and cryptos. According to many crypto traders who are harnessing their economic potential, these Altcoins are indicating a significant potential as alternative investment means.

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