Telemarketing or Social Media: Which Is Better for Your Business?

Happy businessman talking on phone

Finding the perfect way to drum up business is never easy, and marketing channels are no different. With new popular options such as social media and a number of older tactics such as telemarketing being used, a business can grow and gain new customers year on year. But which is better? We are hoping to answer that below.

Telemarketing – Immediate Responses

When using telemarketing for your business, there are a number of benefits, but one of the most prominent is the immediate responses that you gain from this style of marketing. Not only can you drum up a number of leads, but you can convert them with ease by building a relationship with them and listening to their individual needs. Though this can take time to get right, the relationship that is built will benefit the business in the long term.

Social Media – Trackable Elements 

One of the elements that you gain from social media that you will not gain from telemarketing is the trackable elements. Whether this is the number of clicks you gain on one post or the click-through rate to the website, this can have a profound effect on the success of a business as well as drumming up business. This is great for smaller businesses as you can then act upon the leads that have been generated with an inbound marketing strategy. Though there are a number of reliable telemarketing tips and ticks, you can be sure to see outstanding results when using social media and telemarketing together.

Both Benefit Inbound Marketing 

Inbound marketing is not easy to conduct, particularly as every potential customer is different. Therefore, using as many channels as possible during the acquisition stage can help to boost interest in the product or service that your business is providing and generate leads. This can then lead to nurturing of leads and aid the sales team in driving conversions over a prolonged period of time. This is beneficial for businesses both big and small and can lead to an increase in sales.

Both Help Build Customer Relationships

Customer relationships can be difficult to build and maintain but by replying quickly on social media and calling them to discuss the issues or questions further you can begin to build a level of trust between you and the customer. When implemented correctly, the sales team can then begin to bring in new customers and help the business to grow. To help with this it is important that all response times are as quick as possible. This can help to boost the relationship between you and the customer without coming across as a hard-selling tactic, helping you to close more deals.

Whether you are looking to completely redo your inbound marketing strategy, or you are looking to make a few simple changes to help speed up the sales process, a combination of inbound marketing and social media may benefit you. Which will you choose next?

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