SocialMeep Review – 120-Day Results

Instagram on Smartphone
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

When you think of using Instagram Bots, what comes to mind?

Your phone’s blow-up from all the activity: likes, new followers, countless direct messages, while you sip your lemon water and let Instagram Bots do it all for you.

In this article, I’ll review my experience and what I’ve learned using the most highly rated Instagram Bot known as SocialMeep for 120 Days. Let me tell you; the results were not what I expected — and I’m saying that in a good way.

Stick around until the end for some bonus tips on how to achieve your Instagram follower goals.

What Are Instagram Bots?

Instagram bots and automation, the kind we’re talking about, are bots that follow people, like posts, view stories, and comment for you.

You enter your target audience criteria, and the automation tool finds accounts that have a high chance of engaging with you and interact with them in a predefined way that looks natural. Mostly a bot does what you’d do yourself but 24 hours a day at a much higher rate.

Instagram bots are not perfect, but with the right service, it works wonders. Further along in this article, I’ll go into detail on the services I recommend. It’s a much better alternative to buying followers or spending a lot of money on Instagram Ads or sponsored posts.

How Does Instagram Automation Work?

Tools like post schedulers, analytics tools, and hashtag monitoring tools fall out of the purview of a traditional Instagram automation tool. These tools help you save time by scheduling many posts at once or surface essential data, but they don’t help grow your bottom-line metrics.

Our Experience with SocialMeep

Now that we’re clear on what an Instagram Bot is, let’s take a look at the process and results of using one of the best Instagram bots.

For this experiment, I used a service called SocialMeep. It seemed exciting, as they had great reviews and also a neat-looking dashboard, so I gave it a try.

Step 1: Connect Your Instagram Account and Select a Growth Plan

Some Instagram services offer a free trial, and some don’t. SocialMeep didn’t offer a free trial, but they offered me a demo of my dashboard and a growth projection based on my account’s niche and current stats.

I connected my Instagram account and signed up for their Pro plan. After this, I was able to define the actions and targeting for the bot.

One callout, SocialMeep, has a new add-on called SocialMeep Experts, where you get a personal “Growth Manager” who can manage your account settings and do strategy calls with you. It also unlocks features like content breakdowns and lets me test new content ideas before I post them. This feature is unique, and I haven’t seen any other service offer it.

They also have neat features like AutoPilot and Cloud to further your Instagram growth and account management.

I was also quite surprised with the level of Instagram analytics they provided on my account for free. As a SocialMeep member, you can track where your followers are coming from, referral source, country, and more.

Step 2: Wait for Results

Since I opted for the growth manager add-on, there wasn’t much I had to do; I received weekly reports to my inbox, which I was able to track. If you don’t use the add-on, be sure to check in to your dashboard now and then to make sure things are on track.

Step 3: Analyze the Results

After looking at my 120-day report, here are the numbers with SocialMeep Pro.

  • 25,772 New Followers
  • ~3,900 Likes Per Post
  • ~41,284 Avg Story Views

I didn’t start the experiment with high expectations and was quite surprised at the results, considering other services I’ve used in the past stopped working after just a few days.

One important thing to note is that SocialMeep is designed for both advanced and new Instagram growth marketers. Whether you have years of experience with social media marketing or have just created an Instagram page, they have the tools and support to help you achieve your goals.

Here are some growth hacking tips I’ve used along the way that will help you grow your Instagram (with or without Instagram automation tools like SocialMeep).

Growth Hack #1: Hashtag Testing

Hashtags are the best way to get more exposure for your Instagram posts, as they’re now visible to a whole new audience. That said, there are thousands of different hashtags out there, so you’ll need to experiment to see which ones work best for your account.

SocialMeep has a great AI-based hashtag analyzer tool that can generate the best performing hashtags based on a keyword.

Alternatively, you can discover keywords on Instagram by seeing what’s featured on the explore page or in top posts.

Growth Hack #2: Post Time and Frequency

Once you know what hashtags work best for your content, it’s time to start experimenting with post time and frequency. The best time to post depends mostly on the timezone that your followers live and their age.

If you have an Instagram business account, you can see your audience’s age and location along with the time of day when they interact the most.

SocialMeep has a machine-learned based “best time to post” feature that can help you identify when the best time to post is.

Growth Hack #3: Content Testing

Now that you’ve figured out hashtags and when to post, it’s time to work on your content. The content that you post mostly depends on your business and your audience, but in general, the material that performs the best on Instagram contains a person’s face.

My suggestion is to try and use “candid” pictures of people whenever possible. Posting images or videos of people not only increases engagement, but also makes your content more authentic.

Another not-so-popular content tip is to experiment with video. On Instagram, video posts get 2x more comments than other forms of content. Video content is an excellent medium for differentiating yourself from your competitors and driving more engagement.

For experimenting with content, I suggest using a post scheduler to make your life as easy as possible. Tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social all offer schedulers that let you post your content ahead of time, so you don’t have to be on your phone the exact time that you’ll get the most activity.

Growth Hack #4: Tag Popular Accounts in Your Posts

Associating your page with other popular accounts in your niche is a great way to get extra exposure. When people browse through posts that a more significant page is tagged in, they’ll see your content.

Growth Hack #5: Use Instagram Schedulers

Using an Instagram scheduler tool is one of the most underrated growth hacks you can take advantage of. Out of all the other growth hacks I went over, post scheduler tools allow you to post and test different types of content automatically, without having to spend time on the Instagram app.

Using a post scheduler tool is very easy. Just upload your content and select the day and time that you want your content to be posted. There are dozens of tools out there so I recommended picking the one that best suits your price and posting needs.

As an extra plus, SocialMeep gives you access to their Viral Content Library, which is filled with content and ideas that’ll make sure what you post has an impact.

Bonus Growth Hacking Tips

Outside of these main strategies, there are a few more things you can try to growth hack your way to acquiring more followers on Instagram. One is to utilize DM’s to reach out to accounts that would be interested in what you have to offer. With Instagram’s activity limits, you’d only be able to send 50 to 100 DMs per day, but it’s a great option if you have the time.

Final Thoughts

After spending 120 days with SocialMeep, I’m excited about the future of growth marketing on Instagram. Every few years, a new platform arrives that changes the status quo, and I believe SocialMeep is that product.

As marketers, business owners, and influencers, we always strive to get ahead of the competition, so it’s refreshing to see a tool that allows us to gain that edge. I hope the SocialMeep team continues to stay ahead of the Instagram marketing curve for years to come.

Let me know your experience using SocialMeep or other Instagram automation tools, what were your results, what were your pain points? I’d love to hear from you!

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  1. SCAM. They do NOT give you followers based on the hashtags, pages etc you select. They will give you a lot of fake accounts with 5 followers that are following 20 000 people. You can go on fiver and pay someone 5$ to give you 20 000 followers like these, why pay Socialmeep at a higher price? ALSO, I asked for a refund a long time ago, and the customer service ALWAYS tell me the refund is processed but never show up. I asked for proof but they always say the same fake answer ¨ Will process soon, will get back to you¨. They basically paid for fake reviews here this is why their rating is so high. ONLY TRUST THE BAD ONES (the real ones).

  2. I signed up to these guys in the hope they could help me, even though I read terrible reviews beforehand. Big mistake. At first, my numbers started to rise, around 90 followers a day. Some of which, I have to say were genuinely real. Most of them were bots and fake accounts (around 80%). Then my account stopped working halfway through the month. I ended up with 16 days where I wasn’t even receiving fake followers! Getting them to refund the money has been like getting blood from a stone (still no refund 14 days later). THEN this month, despite cancelling online and deleting my account they have charged me AGAIN. All I can say is to avoid these scammers DO NOT risk it. Keep your money in your account and shop around

  3. Social meep is a scam, fake followers, nd thieves, I have deactivated my account and then they kept charging me, be aware

  4. Lol so social meep wrote this?
    Fake company kicked me out of my account when I said followers I gained were fake. Won’t delete my card. Had to change my credit card details and delete any fake follower received. Don’t trust. Scammers.

  5. I thought SocialMeep did the leg work for increasing followers, but all my business account received was bots – some of which were inappropriate in nature. None of the filters implemented in the settings section (such as location, similar accounts, etc.) were adhered to. It’s literally a bot scam.

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