5 Reasons Why You Need Social Media Analytics Tools

Person analyzing data

Analyzing social media performance is definitely not the easiest task in the world. You not only need to be able to read some numbers, but also to put them into context. Without statistics, you can only guess whether your social media strategy works or if it does not deliver results. Why do you need a social media analytics tool in your toolbox? Let’s find out.

Checking your strategy

As we mentioned above, without social media metrics you may not be able to move forward with your strategy. You can be stuck with the same kind of content that does not perform as you would wish, and you may not reach your target audience at all if your campaigns fail. Social media analytics tools can help guide you in the right direction, show you areas where there is some room for improvement and highlight those parts of your strategy that work well.

Saving time

Analysis is just one thing, but then you need to present all of those results in the form of a report. Analytics tools for marketing can generate reports automatically from the platform, and even explain some statistics should you would have to present or describe them further. Instead of spending hours on creating reports and analyzing, it is all done for you so you have more time for focusing on the business’ core objectives. Let’s say that you generated a report from Facebook, but it comes in a spreadsheet where you have no clue what each column means. With tools — for instance napoleoncat.com, you can have it served in the most appealing and user-friendly way via a report, which you can analyze on your own or send further to your clients.

Saving manpower

There are also other things that social media analytics are helpful with. By finding out which platforms perform best, and which ones do not convert at all, you can redirect some efforts where you see results and step back a bit from the ones that do not bring any effects. For example, if your Twitter team consists of three people and your Facebook one includes five members, but it is only Facebook that meets your business goals, then you can think of transitioning one of your Twitter team members to support activities on Facebook. You can apply this rule to many tasks or people within your organization, but you wouldn’t be able to do it without statistics.

Better analysis

Preparing competitive analysis is simply easier with tools, since you have access to more data that is already presented in a more advanced and accessible way. Finding out what your competitors are doing and what kind of activities bring them conversion is crucial for your own strategy.

Getting familiar with your audience

To ensure that you get the most valuable engagement and reach in your target group, you simply need to know precisely what your target group is. You can have some strategies and tactics in mind, but it is all about the numbers that will show you whether you are right or wrong. Social media analytics tools can show you the range of your followers with a lot of data that you can use to prepare better content and maintain better campaigns. Needless to say, it can generate more reach, engagement and drive sales or other types of conversion rates if desired.

Social media analytics can be tedious and tiring, especially if you are not used to doing it on a regular basis. However, it is really important to keep an eye on your statistics, since they show you if your strategy works or what you would have to change to make it do so. With social media tools this task can be made much easier, especially for rookies in this field.

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