Why “Free” Media Can Be Costly


There’s no denying that online PR tools like HARO and PitchRate have changed the media landscape. They connect us and make our jobs easier, but as with any other technology, they can also become a time suck.

Free media lead services make it easy for entrepreneurs and business owners to establish their credentials as expert sources. If you aren’t careful, though, you can spend too much of your valuable time combing through reporter queries — just like you waste hours on your Facebook feed. Get the most out of free media lead services without falling into a time-sucking rabbit hole.

Optimize Free PR (and Your Valuable Time)

Free PR tools are ideal for supporting certain goals and not optimal for others. Here are some insights into the why, when, and how free PR can work for you.

Why: One of the things you want to be very clear about is why you are looking to do PR. Lead services make a huge difference if your goal is to position yourself as a go-to media resource in a particular field or arena. That doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes get profile and article requests from these leads, but for the most part, journalists use lead services to get quick quotes from experts who can reinforce their ideas and complement the argument they’re making. If that’s what you want, mining lead services can be a great way to go.

If, on the other hand, your goal is to score articles and profile pieces specifically geared around you, free PR services may not be the best way to invest your time and energy.

When: In terms of timing, the questions to ask are: “Why should the media care?” and “Why should the media care now?” Generally, journalists look for experts in two categories: evergreen stories or breaking news. Evergreen stories are not news-dependent and are not particularly time sensitive (with the exception of holiday-specific tie-ins).

Breaking news stories, on the other hand, are extremely time sensitive and journalists need experts right away. So, watch the news. Set up a Google alert on topics relevant to your expertise. When you see news stories coming through that you could speak about, that’s a good cue that the free lead services will also have more requests on those topics, so it will be more worth your time to comb through them. Pay close attention, as this is when your biggest media opportunities are likely to occur.

Another thing to pay attention to in relation to the “when” of free PR services is whether or not a given lead moves your PR goals forward. For example, is your goal to promote your book or your services? Does this lead give you an opportunity to do that? Is it worth your time investment?

Unless you put this degree of strategic consideration into the way you dig for leads, you’ll end up chasing anything and everything, ultimately running a hit-or-miss operation that isn’t specifically targeted on your goals. Pitch a lead only when it moves forward what you are actually committed to.

How: This piece is all about making sure “all your ducks are in a row.” When the media comes knocking, it’s crucial to have everything at your fingertips, ready to go. This is where maintaining an online press kit comes into play. The media moves very quickly, and they’ll often need things like multiple high-res image options, your book cover, a sample chapter, and three ready-to-use quotes at a moment’s notice. A strong online press kit will serve as a one-stop shop that allow journalists to grab everything they need in one place without anyone having to hunt for it.

It’s also important to make sure your website and social media pages are up to snuff… i.e., modern, relevant, mobile-friendly, and engaging. The media is more likely to select you and your lead submission from the many they receive if your public platform clearly shows not only your expertise, but also your professionalism.

All in all, free media lead services are a wonderful way to get yourself out there and land some solid media mentions. “Free” becomes costly, however, if it wastes your valuable time. These tips will help you make the most out of free PR, but as with any of the many business tasks you are capable of, the ultimate question is whether doing your own PR is the best use of your time. That’s for you to decide! Do what you love, do what matters most to you, do what moves your goals forward, and allocate the rest.

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