Celebrity Marketing Interview Series: Brands Make Connections at GBK Super Bowl Weekend Luxury Lounge

In recent years, companies have adapted to a shift in marketing strategy from relying simply on keeping up on social media campaigns. Now, brands take it a step further by reaching out directly to those who will be heard the loudest. Influencers exist in every industry and attain large followings on social media. Those followings consist of consumers specifically interested in a certain theme, whether it’s a genre of music, type of food, or style of clothing, and influencers are almost a sort of spokespeople for the niche, and bring the community together. Along with social media influencers, celebrities have powerful voices that impact how a product or service is received.

Home Business Magazine representatives attended GBK Productions’ Luxury Lounge in honor of Super Bowl LII Weekend on February 3rd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Located at the Cambria Gallery on 7th, attendees included Terrell Owens (Six-time Pro Bowler), Jonathan Allen (First Round Draft Pick 2017, Redskins Defensive End), James Jones (NFL Legned), Jonathan Casillas (Two-time Super Bowl Winner with Patriots and Saints, Linebacker), Chris Tillman (Former Carolina Panthers ), Akbar Gbaja-Biamila (Winter Olympic Host) and many more well-known athletes. The event was presented by GBK and The Institute for Athletes with Woodchuck USA, and the NFL players were treated to many wonderful items from the companies in attendance.

Sponsors included hip, fast-casual restaurant Funky Grits, Gridiron BioNutrients, which offers innovative rehydration water, Nanoceutical Solutions, which produces high-quality oral Nutraceutical, Vitamin, and Supplement products, Woodchuck USA, a company which puts nature back into peoples’ lives, Woodhouse Spa, a 5-star luxury spa experience, Air 7, a full service private aviation company, and Pinnertest, a food tolerance testing company.

Each brand enjoyed their experience that day connecting with celebrities and having positive face-to-face interactions with representatives from other companies. We spoke with some of the brands to hear directly about their reaction to the event, marketing strategies for 2018, and advice for entrepreneurs.


What is Pinner Test all about?

We are Pinner Test. We are a food and tolerance testing company. A food allergy is an instant reaction which will require an Epipen or Benadryl. It leads to anaphylactic shock. Whereas a food intolerance is a delayed reaction, not an instant reaction. It can take a few hours up until a few days for you to see the symptoms. Studies have shown that food intolerances lead to acne, weight gain, bloating, eczema, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, the list goes on and on. Typically you can go to your doctor and he or she will prescribe some sort of medication. However, if you eliminate the foods that are causing inflammation in your gut, it’s a homeopathic way to go ahead and remove that symptom from you so you won’t have to use medication.

I have an MMA fighter who took our test. He eliminated foods from his diet. He dropped 34 pounds and won the fight in 24 seconds. The video is on our website. Absolutely amazing. He figured out he was intolerant to rice. While he was training for this fight, he had rice at a Japanese restaurant. He totally bloated up. He talked to his nutritionist, and he was like, “What do I do? What do I do?” So he had to completely cleanse his body. She worked on a regimen with him. This was a few days before the fight.

That’s an amazing success story for acne sufferers and whatnot, I have a mom who constantly emails us about her daughter who typically has little pimples around the mouth. They figured out the foods she was intolerant to. The success of it was amazing.

What made you want to work with GBK?

We worked with them before and I liked the quality of the celebrities coming through the door. It’s very well-organized and very well put together.

Any success tips for entrepreneurs?

Learn everything about social media.


How has the reaction to your product been today?

With Cambria, a lot of people know the name and they know the logo but they don’t know much about the product, especially with quartz. People will be like, “Oh, Cambria is a granite, is a marble. So It’s a great tool for us to educate, and teach more about our brand and it’s also great to mingle with other brands who are here. It’s a business opportunity to meet these vendors. So overall, it’s a great experience.

Do you guys have success tips for businesses?

Do a gifting lounge like this!


Tell us about your company.

We do a lot of home products too. We make planters, covers for Kleenex boxes, we make picture frames. We make customized art and things like that. We make all sorts of stuff. We have a B2B side where we do corporate gifting and business development kind of projects for companies, and we also have our B2C side which is more for the everyday person who wants a customized wood journal, etc.

Why did you choose GBK for your celebrity marketing efforts?

We were really excited to work with them. It was a referral from Cambria. We’re good friends with the Cambria brand. We do a lot of events with them. We felt confident about doing the event here. We also have a strong relationship with IFA. So we’re all best friends. It was an easy decision for us.  We’re going to be doing the Oscars as well, coming up in March. The GBK people are absolutely amazing. Very fortunate they found us!

Do have any success tips for companies?

It’s all about relationships. Whether it’s mentors, customers, or partners…it’s all about people. It’s about working hard too. I haven’t slept in probably 72 hours. It’s worth it. It’s super fun, meeting these people. It’s cool to have our team experience this as well.


What brought you here to GBK today?

To give my clothing line some exposure, interact, connect and network with people.

How did you hear about GBK?

I did a past event in LA with GBK. I had a good experience so I wanted to work with them again.

What about your marketing efforts for your brand?

I’m online at maebanewear.com and also on Instagram. My brand is in a few boutiques in Chicago and also Los Angeles.

Do you have any success tips for entrepreneurs and startups?

Jump in and be passionate. Make sure that you put the effort in constantly every day to figure out ways to put it out there more and more.


What brought you all to GBK today?

They reached out and asked if we were interested in being involved. It’s our first time.

How has your experience been with them so far?

It’s been awesome! It’s been good so far. It’s nice they’re connecting businesses with celebrities in town.

Do you have any marketing strategies you would recommend?

Face-to-face. Get out and be involved and find a way to connect with the audience in person.


GBK, formerly GBK Productions, is a luxury lifestyle gifting and special events company, specializing in entertainment marketing integration. Formed in 2000 by Gavin Keilly, the company’s Founder and CEO, GBK consists of five divisions: GBK Celebrity Gifting, GBK Special Events, GBK Weddings, GBK Charitable Consulting and GBK Marketing & Public Relations. Widely known in the entertainment industry for bringing that little extra something into the Luxury Lounge environment, GBK offers its clients a full range of marketing services. For more information on Gavin B. Keilly (CEO) or GBK, please go to gbkproductions.com.

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