Strategies for Getting More Likes on Instagram

It is important to have content on your Instagram account that people respond positively to and that is what the ‘like’ feature is for. It is a simple measuring device that shows you just how popular your content is.

However, there could very well be times when, for whatever reason, you are not getting as many likes as you feel your content deserves or as you feel you may need. This is frustrating for anyone using Instagram as you may rightly feel that your content deserves more appreciation but the numbers are just not appearing. That is why it is necessary for those using Instagram for branding to be aware of how they can create content that gets more likes and therefore gets more attention from Instagram users on a wider scale. The more positive reactions a user gets on Instagram, the more popular it becomes and the potential to reach a bigger audience increases. To help you out, here are some ideas about how you can get more Instagram likes.


Hashtags cannot be underestimated. They are the easiest way for Instagram users to draw the attention of other Instagrammers who are not their followers. By adding appropriate hashtags, you can give Instagram users an idea of your content without them having to access it. If they are interested in the hashtag, they could very well give your content a go. This is also important as using these hashtags will have your content show up if Instagram users are searching for topics related to them. This is quite possibly the quickest way to grab the attention of people who are not your followers but are interested in what you are trying to promote through Instagram.


Timing is important in all walks of life and Instagram is no different. Considering that Instagram is a brand with a global reach and can bring your message to all corners of the globe, it is important to consider the time of the day when you are posting as this is crucial to getting the attention of as many as possible. While it may be comfortable for you to post early in the morning or in the evening, you need to take into account the time zones of your followers and what part of the day it will be for them. For example, if you are based in London, you are going to be ten hours behind Sydney, four hours behind Dubai, five hours ahead of New York and eight hours ahead of Los Angeles. In this case, you may want to post around one o’clock in the afternoon as it won’t be too late at night for those to the east if they are checking Instagram before going to bed and it won’t be too early for those to the west as they will get to see it when they wake up. A study on Instagram showed that some of the highest rates of Instagram engagement comes later in the morning so this is something to bear in mind when thinking about the times you may post at.

Access all areas

It is also possible to drum up interest in your posts and your account if you give updates of your business that are not related to promotion. In these types of posts, you provide an “access all areas” approach. You can use these posts to give followers an insight into what goes on behind the scenes at your company and, as such, they will get an idea of the everyday activity and how the company works. People appreciate this as it shows you and your business in a more lighthearted way and shows that you are a real person as well. It can also give them an idea of the effort that you and your business put in on a daily basis.

Run competitions through your Instagram account

Another way to get the attention of Instagram users is to run competitions with prizes being a product or service of your own. You can organise the competition in a way that the only thing people need to do to enter is to like the post. This way you will get a lot more likes and draw more attention to your products and services. It will also give you an idea of how many people are interested in your business. As a follow-up, you can then ask for the winner to provide you and your followers with feedback on their prize. It is a simple but effective approach.

Every Instagram user wants to get likes but there are times when they just are not coming along. This is most easily noticed at the beginning of your Instagram campaign when you are still building your base of followers. While you may be producing exciting content that your followers enjoy, the number of people that see it is small and it can be hard to get the number of likes you feel your work should get. In addition to getting those likes, it will help you get more attention among the Instagram community as posts that get more likes get more attention. In this case, there is one option that is still open to you. It is possible to buy likes on Instagram. You can visit websites, such as, that will help you out in this area. These likes will help propel your Instagram into the limelight, something which is particularly important in the early days.

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