5 Ways to Promote Your Home Business Online

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Sajjad Hussain M / Burst

Setting up a home business takes guts and hard graft.

Once you are up and running, making sure the right people know about your business is an even bigger challenge.

So here are five ways to promote your home business online.

1. Local SEO

Local SEO (search engine optimisation) is an essential for the small home business because it helps ensure that your business ranks highly in location-based web searches.

A good place to start is by setting up a Google My Business profile for your company that includes key info such as your contact details, opening hours and a link to your website. It’s also worth uploading high-quality photos of your products, staff, premises, etc.

There are a lot of techniques involved in local SEO and it can take a few months for the results to become apparent but once they do, you’ll be glad you spent time on it.

2. PPC

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising involves paying for ad space on popular platforms such as search engines.

In contrast to SEO, it’s an effective strategy for instantly increasing the number of visitors to your website, so consider using it in conjunction with SEO.

There are a lot of aspects involved with PPC such as keyword research, writing ad copy and campaign monitoring. If this sounds like too much for your home business to manage, working with a Google Ads qualified PPC agency such as Fly High Media is a good idea — they’ll optimise your ads to ensure they have high visibility.

3. Social Media

Digital consumers enjoy interacting with the brands they do business with. Social media makes it easy for your home business to do this because it gives you direct access to your target audience.

Use social media to engage your audience with informative and entertaining content and be responsive to the people who interact with it. Do this and people will see that you’re a company who cares and they will be more likely to be loyal and help spread the word about you.

4. Video

Without strong visuals your home business has no chance of standing out online and attracting customers.

When you’re looking to raise your profile, a powerful promo video which showcases your offering and its value to customers is a great place to start.

If you’re lacking the resources needed to produce a high-quality video, consider working with a visual communications agency such as SNS Group — they’ll create a video that looks great and encapsulates your brand message.

5. Guest Posting

Guest posting is where you write content for other websites. It’s a great way to raise your profile and expand the reach of your home business.

The content you create should showcase your expertise and focus on tackling consumer pain points, and for best results, the websites you write for should be reputable, high-traffic and relevant to your audience.

The webmasters for these kind of sites will be inundated with requests for guest posts, so you’ll need to take the time to create a pitch that stands out and excites them.

Follow these five tips and your home business will be all set to thrive online!

How else can you promote your home business online? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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