How to Target Competitors with Facebook Audience Insights

Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash

‘Keep your friends close, and enemies closer’ is a saying that has surprisingly much more value in the digital world than you could ever imagine.

How, you may ask?

Let’s break down this quotation that sounds so interesting, but the majority of us fail to understand.

Keep closer to your enemy means to understand their strategy, thought process, and plan of action; these points are critical to outrank the competition fair and square.

In the ecommerce world, you will find competition (enemy) in every niche and the only way to overcome your competitors is by getting closer to them to see their actions.

That is where Facebook Audience Insights can assist you.

By using the Facebook Insights in the right manner, you can easily win over your competitors’ customers.

How to Check Out Your Competitors with Facebook Insights

Facebook knows much more about the audience than you could ever imagine. You have a chance to work smarter and get benefits from the work of your competitors by using Facebook tools.

You only need to acquire the assistance of Facebook Insights to attain their customers’ information and get ideas from those strategies.

Visualize a situation. Let’s say you have websites where you provide health and nutrition tips. If you do not know anything about your competitors at all, here is a simple trick. Search on Google with the search query: Your Business + Facebook Page.

Like I did here:

Facebook Audience Insights

I found this article relevant to my search. I opened it, and scrolled through it to find the related pages that matched my niche.

Facebook Audience Insights

Finally, I found a Facebook page ‘Wellness Mama’ similar to my business.

Now go to Facebook Audience Insights and write the name of the competitor in the interest box.

After putting the name of the page in the interest box, you can look into the complete information available on the audience.

I quickly got an idea about my target audience by just one look at the demographics.

Facebook Audience Insights

My primary audience is women within the age group of 25-65.

However, the job isn’t finished yet.

Now, we have to look into the pages that Wellness Mama fans have liked. Evaluating the pages will help us to strategize the business-scaling plan.

Facebook Audience Insights

In the categories, we have a list of pages that have been liked by the fans of the competitor’s page. So, it is clear to us that we need to target these audiences when we run ads on social media.

To have a more in-depth analysis, we need to look into the ‘page likes’ option to get more Facebook pages that are relevant to our target audience.

Facebook Audience Insights

Affinity Score shows the relevancy of the target audience. Its percentage shows how much the audience is relevant for your business.

It gives a more in-depth insight into the audience that is more likely to become your customer.

It defines what you need to put into your marketing efforts for the audience of these pages, or we can say the audience of your competitors, to convert them into your potential customers.

Now you know who your competitors are; all you need to do is have a keen analysis of their pages’ activities, time of posting and type of content – the content that gets the most engagement – to get inspiration for your business functions.

And that’s all you need to do to get ahead of your competition.

Good luck!

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