Discover How to Successfully Speak to and Motivate All Ages with the Inside Guide to Getting Your Message Heard in a Digital, Social, and Online World

An inside guide to communicating more effectively with every generation, and building businesses and brands they can’t stop talking about, MILLENNIAL MARKETING: Bridging the Generation Gap offers the tools you need to effectively motivate and inspire tomorrow’s leaders – and tell stories that powerfully resonate in the online and social era. In the book, readers will not only discover how to better engage a fast-changing customer base or workforce, but also more effectively communicate with and capture the interest of individuals from every generation. Inside, research and interviews with the field’s leading experts provide must-see hints and tips on how to:
- Communicate with Every Generation
- Market and Promote in a Digital + Social World
- Build a Better Workplace
- Boost Teamwork and Productivity
- Train Tomorrow’s Leaders
- Create Legions of Raving Fans
Want to better engage a changing workforce, take the social media world by storm, or build the kind of brand they can’t stop talking about? MILLENNIAL MARKETING: Bridging the Generation Gap offers the ultimate guide to getting your message heard. New from Scott Steinberg, author of the bestselling Make Change Work for You: 10 Ways to Future-Proof Yourself, Fearlessly Innovate, and Succeed Despite Uncertainty, it’s a must-read for modern professionals.
About Make Change Work for You
A practical guide to overcoming obstacles to professional and personal change, Make Change Work for Youreveals how to master uncertainty and conquer every challenge in life or business. With a mix of compelling stories, research from the social sciences and psychology, and real-world insights, Make Change Work for You shows how to reignite your career, rekindle creativity, and fearlessly innovate your way to success by providing the tools needed to master uncertainty and succeed amidst constant disruption. Features include:
-10 new success skills that can ignite your business, brand or career
-A revolutionary new system for future-proofing yourself in an increasingly uncertain world
-Practical, proven strategies for unleashing your creativity and innovation
-A simple, four-part formula for creating competitive advantage
-How to overcome the one thing holding most of us back from success
About the Author:
Hailed as “The Master of Innovation” by Fortune magazine, award-winning professional speaker Scott Steinberg is among today’s leading business strategists and strategic innovation consultants, as seen in 600+ outlets from CNN to Time and The Wall St. Journal. The CEO of management consulting and market research firm FutureProof Strategies, he helps clients create value and cultivate competitive advantage on the back of emerging trends. A top provider of keynote speeches, workshops and training seminars, the Fortune 500 calls him a “defining figure in business and technology” and “top trendsetter to follow.”His website is