For home business owners, the summer months aren’t for lazing by the beach or picnicking in the park. In fact, for at-home workers, maintaining a productive work environment when working in the summer sun is as important than when skies are grey. The challenge is even greater for parents fitting home business responsibilities into no-school schedules.
Seasonal changes in routines and summer schedules do not have to derail a home business. Focus on the three keys to year ‘round home business success: accountability, determination and discipline. Being in direct selling, I’ve learned these ten excellent strategies from our Princess House consultants on how to make summer a success:

1- Create a Schedule and Stick to It: Create a customized schedule for the entire household, so everyone is up, dressed and ready for their day, whether it’s young children going to summer rec programs, teens heading to work, or your own day of work and managing the house.
2- No-Bore Chores: Don’t allow home-for-the-summer kids too much downtime by giving them responsibilities of household chores. Let them know that by accomplishing things around the house, they’re also helping your business. You can recruit your spouse-on-vacation to help with tasks as well.
Treat them as valued members of your family “workforce,” just as you would your office staff and don’t forget to reward or compensate them with a family movie night, picnic or pool time!
3- Work with Intent: Be intentional about making daily discipline a priority in your life by writing down more than just a to-do list. Include the things you must practice over and over again to master. Work outdoors when you can, under an umbrella, with a cool breeze wafting by, and focus on what you need to improve on. The sunshine will boost your mood and make you want to take your business to new heights.
4- Don’t Settle for “Enough”: Identify, visualize, and write down what you want “more” of. If one of those things is time to dedicate to your business and you have responsibilities for children or elder relatives, explore full-day summer camps and senior day care programs that gives you time to focus on taking action to achieve those goals.
5- Stay Results-Driven: Establish specific and clear goals and develop an action plan to achieve them. They matter and will motivate you to stay determined. If you trip up, get up and try it again, while applying lessons learned from prior attempts!
6- Don’t Give In, and Don’t Give Up: Focus on learning and continuous improvement, instead of dwelling on problems. Remember doing the same thing over and over the same way and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity!
7- Look, Listen and Learn: Allow your family to see you hard-at-work and tell them about your daily successes and results and how you did versus your goals. Take advantage of asking for their observations and advice from mentors.
8- Ask and Accept: Let spouses and older children work with you by giving them “research” tasks to involve them in your daily routine. Ask for help and accept help – they’re opportunities to grow and collaborate.
9- Practice Discipline: Demonstrate to others the good, solid habits you practice every day that enable you to be more efficient and productive. Once you exercise those discipline muscles, it doesn’t hurt as much when you stretch them to give back to others.
10- Be Proud of Your Work: Never apologize for your diligence and take pride in the work you do. Celebrate achievements, results and goals met (big and small)! It will amplify your impact among your family and friends.
Ultimately, and despite the changes summer brings, the work product or service you’re delivering as an entrepreneur will be of the same quality and even more effective, and it will have a positive, lasting outcome all year long. It starts with you.