How Special Events Can Help Business Build A Great Culture

Copyright: limonzest / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: limonzest / 123RF Stock Photo

In my experience as an event professional at Better Venues, more and more companies are investing in special events as a way to motivate and inspire their teams. Costs may be tight, but firms aren’t shy of dipping into the budget pot if they think it’ll benefit their teams. Here are 4 reasons it could be worth offering your event-planning skills to businesses large and small.

  1. Companies want to be about people

Businesses are increasingly realising that if they invest in their people, they’ll reap significant benefits. When meeting with companies, stress how building values, teamwork, bonding and developing workforce attitudes that reflect the company’s goals and philosophy can put them well on track to grow and do bigger and better things – with a team of happy, content employees behind them.

  1. Special events improve productivity

They really do. If you’re pitching to run a corporate event, talk about how corporate days out and bonding sessions can radically improve a workforce’s efficiency and productivity. Weave in statistics like:

  • Companies with engaged employees enjoy 2.5x more revenue than companies with low engagement levels.
  • Highly-engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their jobs than disengaged employees are.
  • Special events trump training programmes any day of the week. When people just sit and listen to someone speak, they only retain 20% of what they hear. On the other hand, people involved in active learning – for example, as part of a special workshop event – retain 90% of the information presented to them.
  1. Special events can help with marketing too

Special events don’t just benefit employees – they can boost the firm’s marketing strategy too. Think how Red Bull uses special events to such brilliant effect. Companies with larger marketing budgets are increasingly open to developing experiential marketing experiences. It’s no longer just about social media, onsite marketing and other on-the-page marketing. Firms want to get outside and think big.

  1. Special events help companies evolve

A company’s culture isn’t set in stone. It’s a story. Talk about how corporate events can help companies construct a strong narrative – one that’s aligned to employee needs and business goals. Encourage them to hold quarterly reviews where they assess performance and see if there are parts of your core values that might need tweaking. Are their corporate events working as well as planned?

Do you have any thoughts on how events can help build new business?

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