Is Your Smartphone Causing You Stress?

Smartphones” (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) by clasesdeperiodismo

The smartphone revolution has, without a doubt, made our lives easier. But the technology behind it is developing exponentially – the first iPhone was released in 2007 and today  (a mere nine years later) smartphones have become so integral to our lives that those who go without one are seen as eccentric. This begs the question: Are smartphones a tool for improving your life, or are they slowly taking it over?

Statistics, provided by money-saving website Voucherbox, show that over half of UK workers have emailed a boss or client whilst on the loo. With most office work today being done on computers, technology is even eating into our most private of private times. But it remains to be seen if the technological leaps of the last decade are worth the effect they are having on people’s lives.

The general consensus is that smartphone technology is making things easier, but in reality it is making us cram more work into the preciously small amounts of time which were once reserved for things like hobbies, family life, and socialising – pursuits which can feel selfish in today’s millennial world. Do you honestly need to be woken up at 6 am with that email from the boss? Or should we keep the 9-5 just that: 9-5?

Some might argue that smartphones are actually making our lives worse. Just as the Industrial Revolution worsened living conditions for the majority of the population, the smartphone revolution is overworking us despite making us more accessible on some levels.

"Smartphones" (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) by clasesdeperiodismo
iPhone” (CC BY 2.0) by GONZALO BAEZA

The human brain needs balance to function healthily, and a constant barrage of work demands from a smartphone that is constantly by your side is a sure-fire way to neglect your need for relaxation and increase your stress levels.

Studies have shown that office workers who don’t use email at work are both more productive and less stressed than those who do. So, maybe having your employees constantly connected is not the best way to achieve your business’ desired outcomes. Not only will they end up stressed, anxiety-ridden, and resentful, but they will also be less productive. Keeping those stress levels down and maintaining a good relationship with your employees is essential for business success.


So, whilst technology is spreading and developing, it also could be stressing us out and making us unable to perform in our jobs. But the good news is that, since our brains are very adaptable, this damage can be undone by adding some old-fashioned book reading to your daily routine. Studies have shown that reading books can reduce your stress levels by 68%; more than listening to music or having a cup of tea.

You may be feeling burnt out by the technological world. Maybe you’ve noticed yourself getting anxious when you reach into your pocket to find that your phone is not by your side. Or you might just be stressed from a long day of looking at a screen and answering emails from the boss. There is a solution: Put the phone away, pick up a book, and unwind.

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