Four Strategies That Will Help You Work from Home More Effectively

Having a home-based business is, at first, very appealing. You have more freedom, more intemperance, a not commute! But once your business takes off, you find that it’s not always as easy as you thought. For some, it can feel like you never truly get any time off work. For others, like there are too many priorities at the same time. These four simple strategies can reduce stress and improve efficiency. When you realize how big of an impact simple things can have, you’ll wonder why you didn’t try this sooner!


It seems like some people are natural-born achievers. You know the type. Up at 5, hits the gym, works overtime, and still makes time for a family vacation. How do they find the energy? Sleep! We’re not just talking about getting enough hours. It’s also about making sure you sleep well. According to allaboutmom, poor sleeping conditions mean that even when you spend enough time in bed, you still wake up feeling tired. This means that you need a comfortable mattress, ergonomic pillow, and a bedroom free of distractions.

Work / Life Balance

Back in the office, all of your friends are jealous of you. They’re stuck at work, while you’re relaxing at home. But it’s not as easy as they think. For self-employed people, there is no such thing as “business hours”. No matter what time of day it is, there is always something that could use your attention. For some, this creates a conflict. You’re never technically off work. But when you are working, you’re willing to let yourself get distracted. If you haven’t had any proper time off, this makes sense.

If you want to work effectively, you need to set boundaries. During work time, you won’t let your personal life distract you. After hours, make sure to take some time to enjoy yourself. For some, keeping the office as a “work-only” zone can help. For others, keeping a schedule works better. Once you set some boundaries for yourself, you’ll find that you enjoy your downtime more, and work more efficiently.

Prepare and Reflect

At the end of each day, dedicate 20 minutes to go over everything you accomplished. What still needs to be done? What are your goals for tomorrow? Each morning, do the same thing before you start your day. When you start your day with an inbox full of emails, spending time to think about your day can seem ineffective. But making a mental note of your goals has a good way of helping you stay on track, and can help you prioritize throughout the day.

Have a Power Session

When you’re running a business, you’ve got to be able to juggle multiple changing priorities. Right when you’re halfway through an email, you get a Skype call. The call reminds you of a project you need to take care of, but it’ll have to wait until you get back from the bank. No matter what you do, something else jumps out at you. On days like these, it feels like we’ve half done many things, but completed nothing. To get these under control, set 20-minute power sessions. With a timer running, force yourself to focus on one task only. No matter what comes up, you stay focused on one specific task. These sessions have the ability to kick-start your productivity, and make it easier to start those nagging projects that you’ve been dreading.

To some, these strategies may seem obvious. Some of you might already use a few of these. But one thing that the most successful business owners have in common, is that they all live and breathe these strategies. At the end of the day, it all boils down to taking care of yourself, and using your time wisely. If you can get that under control, you’ll have good success.

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