Many more women began entering the workforce in the 1980s. Over the next couple decades, most working women would return to their job after having a child. Of course, some would give up their careers altogether. Dr. Amy Baxter and many other women are choosing a different path.
Many stay-at-home parents choose to start their own businesses rather than return to their old workplace. Baxter left her career as an emergency room physician and started Buzzy, a niche toy company that focuses on helping children get over the pain of shots.
Other “mompreneurs” are following suit. Working from home as a parent can be the best of both worlds. However, Ryan Kh, the founder of Catalyst for Business, points out there are also challenges they need to deal with.
“Starting a business from home is one of the most difficult challenges an entrepreneur can face,” said Kh. “Managing a business with your children at home only compounds the stress.”
Here are some tips to make it work.

Getting an In-Home Babysitter
High child care costs are one of the biggest reasons people become stay-at-home parents. In Chicago and many other areas, it costs about $400 a week to find a babysitter that will take care of an infant.
Unfortunately, stay-at-home parents can’t avoid the cost of childcare entirely. It simply is not feasible to put your work on hold every time your child needs to be changed or fed.
On the other hand, you can’t afford to pay $400 a week to hire a regular babysitter while getting your business off the ground. Vickie Colasanti, a stay-at-home freelance writer, says that she hires an in-house babysitter to help. The cost is much lower and she still gets the help she needs.
Block Noise to (and from) Your Work Area
Young children can create a lot of noise. This could be very disruptive while you’re trying to work. It’s also important to block noise from your office, because it can wake up your child while they’re trying to sleep or scare them, which will make things very difficult for you as well.
You have a couple of options:
- You can invest in a headset plus, so you won’t hear your kids making noise. You can also mute videos and Skype conversations, which is a good idea if you schedule meetings while they are asleep.
- You can soundproof your office. You’ll still be able to hear sounds from other parts of the house, but at least you won’t be disrupting your kids while printing, playing videos and doing other activities.
Minimizing the noise in your house will make it a lot easier to stay productive.
Have Discussions with Your Spouse and Older Children
Younger children understandably have a difficult time understanding not to interrupt you while you’re working. This is one of the reasons it’s important to have an in-home babysitter.
However, your spouse and older children need to be more accommodating. Unfortunately, many of them don’t understand the importance of protecting your work environment. It’s important to set some ground rules and let them know not to interrupt you unless there’s an emergency.
Being a Stay-at-Home Parent and Entrepreneur Requires Some Ingenuity
Lots of stay-at-home parents are starting their own businesses these days. It’s a great alternative for people that can’t afford to either give up work or pay ridiculous childcare costs. However, it requires careful planning. Make sure you understand the challenges and have a game plan to tackle them.