The “Connected” Lifestyle: What Does That Mean for Driving Safety?

Person driving

More car makers recognize the consumer’s desire to be connected. However, in order to meet the demands of their buyers, they must also put driving safety in the backseat. Ford and Fiat Chrysler are two carmakers that announced a state-of-the-art infotainment system that is being inserted into vehicles that will include things like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

These systems utilize smartphone technology so that drivers can use their phones with ease in their car. The in-car technology, known as Sync, allows drivers to stay connected no matter the type of smartphone they are using, or what services or apps they need to stay connected with — it’s all integrated into the smart system inside the vehicle. While this all sounds wonderful, car makers seem to be ignoring one significant factor: Being connected is extremely dangerous while behind the wheel.

A study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety showed that fumbling around with an in-car system makes a driver distracted — and can distract them for as much as 27 seconds. When you are driving a car at 70 miles per hour, 27 seconds is a long time to be distracted. Even with voice-controlled systems, the study concluded that drivers take their minds off the road long enough to ignore what is in front of them — and it only takes a few seconds to cause a dangerous crash.

Mental Distractions Are Just as Dangerous to Driving Safety as Physical Ones

A mental distraction has long-lasting effects. It poses hidden and pervasive dangers that may surprise some drivers. Most motorists will miss things like stop signs, cars braking, or slowing down in front of them, and even pedestrians. Any time when a motorist’s mind is off the road in front of the car, they put at risk those on the road with their vehicle.

There was a study by AAA conducted at 25 miles per hour. Drivers traveled the length of almost three football fields before they wrapped their heads around the fact that they were distracted.

By limiting button pushing and screen swiping, car makers are actually creating more hazardous situations, not safer ones. Mental distractions are more persistent and last much longer than physical distractions. A person’s attention could be impacted long after the light turns green and minutes after they’ve already pushed the button and moved on.

While car makers try to minimize everyday stressors for their consumers and provide them with a variety of ways to stay connected, they are ultimately creating a hazard on the road. Car makers should be more focused on ways to promote driving safety and limit distractions — not increasing the number of distractions.

Were You Injured by a Distracted Driver?

Whether a driver was using the latest in-car technology or just texting on the phone, if you are injured in an accident with a distracted driver, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact a personal injury attorney today that can assist you with your claim.

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