If you’re stuck in a rut delivering annual appraisals and reviews year-after-year, it could be time for a shakeup! Managing your staff on a more regular basis and keeping a closer eye on progress is essential if you want your company to succeed – so here’s how to take your performance management skills to the next level.

Embrace agile performance management
Agile performance management is a hands-on business strategy which aims to fix what doesn’t work in the business environment quickly promoting both personal and business development. From using management software plugins such as Upraise.io to crowdsourcing feedback, there are many ways to gain a deeper insight into how your staff interact, behave and deliver business, so let’s take a closer look at some of the elements which could prove beneficial.
- Software plugins
Whether you’re planning a brief or following specific client instructions, it can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page, but performance management software plugins make it easier than ever to create, assign and track objectives digitally – rather than attempt to do it manually. Not only does this ensure that projects are completed in the most efficient way possible, but both teams and individuals can also work from a handy to-do list to help keep them on track.
- Crowdsourcing feedback
Receiving feedback from employees is a great way to develop and improve within the workplace. The problem is, many companies don’t provide assessments regularly enough meaning professional growth is stunted. For this reason, it’s a good idea to carry out 360 degree reviews much more frequently to get a better idea of how individuals are performing. The relative information, including constructive criticism, can then be discussed in details and targets set for ongoing work.
- Skills development
When it comes to agile performance management there’s a big focus on skills development. Essentially, employees in all positions, regardless of hierarchy, should be given access to both internal and external training where possible in a bid to maximise their full potential. This should have all-round benefits leading to a more intelligent, enthusiastic and switched-on workforce.
- Public recognition
Want to make employees feel worthwhile and valued? Then try to recognise their achievements in a public way – be it at a company meeting, a celebratory event or in an all-staff email. A little praise goes a long way and should hopefully lead to a more productive and content workforce who not only enjoy coming to work but actually strive to do well for the good of the company.
Getting employees on side is all part of the hard work, but agile performance management goes hand-in-hand with creating a positive company culture. Going to work from 9-5 (or longer) every day can be somewhat monotonous but recognising milestones and achievements can help break things up and put a smile on someone’s face.
Improving performance management strategies can help your business grow, giving you a closer insight into the strengths and weaknesses of employees.