New ‘Fitness Challenge’ Mobile Engagement Tool Increases Physical Activity of Employees, Lowers Healthcare Costs

The Smart Tech Solution to a Healthier Workforce

image002 (4)Employers struggling to keep healthcare costs down and employee engagement and productivity up have a fun new tool at their disposal: PIPs Fitness Challenge. The innovative mobile game was developed by PIPs Rewards, whose award-winning engagement platform leverages the power of smart tech and behavioral hacks to turn better everyday choices – like fitness – into a fun, social and rewarding game-like experience.

As with many workplace fitness programs, the PIPs Challenge uses the latest tracking apps and devices to gather data on physical activity. However what is unique with PIPs is that it applies the principles of behavioral psychology to engage all players.

“Typical incentive programs reward the top performers only, so if you are not within competing distance of the top, there is little to keep you engaged,” said Wendy Gordon, PIPs Rewards Founder and CEO. “We designed the PIPs Challenge to reward everyone (with PIPs) for meeting certain weekly goals including bonuses for improvement.”

Players also risk losing PIPs if they don’t meet the weekly goals. And it works: The results of the first 12-week challenge show a strong 10 percent improvement in physical activity among all users and an astounding 33 percent increase among the least active quartile.

In addition to the health benefits, the rewards come in the form of PIPs (Positive Impact Points) Reinforcing the company’s “360 degrees of good” mantra, PIPs can only be used for good — meaning 1) redeemed for discounts on popular beneficial brands, services or experiences (see catalog at, or 2) donated to a worthy cause or social enterprise. In fact, an employer and its employees can decide to turn a Fitness Challenge into a charitable giving drive, wherein some or all of the PIPs awarded are donated to a cause of their choice. In such cases, PIPs will donate up to half its platform fee to the chosen charity.

Super simple to implement, the PIPs Challenge is a win-win for the employer and employees alike. The employee not only reaps the PIPs rewards, but also enjoys the benefits of being healthier, such as better immunity, healthier body weight, improved sleep and even a sharper mind. Meanwhile, the employer saves on healthcare costs (as much as 15 percent) while savoring the boost in productivity of a healthier, more engaged workforce.

On top of all that, the PIPs Fitness Challenge is a really great vehicle for fostering a sense of community and mutual support among employees working in different offices, departments, floors or buildings. Any sized business can run a Fitness Challenge, though it is recommended that no fewer than 25 play at a time.

For more information on PIPs Fitness Challenge, visit


3P Partners (d.b.a. PIPs or PIPs Rewards), a Certified B Corporation, created its mobile engagement platform for responsible institutions eager to advance positive impact behaviors among constituents, be they employees, students, fans, homeowners, etc. The company was founded by Social/Tech Entrepreneur Wendy Gordon, who previously founded the non-profit Mothers and Others with Meryl Streep and launched The Green Guide (later acquired by National Geographic), PIPs redemption catalog boasts hundreds of beneficial products, services and experiences as well as donation opportunities. The PIPs Rewards app now in beta can be downloaded for free in the iTunes store. for more information.


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