Joel Chery on the Merits of Returning to Your Core Values When Making a Tough Decision

Balanced stones

When making tough decisions, it is best to keep your core values in mind. Honesty, integrity, transparency, and loyalty are only a few of the values that can keep you on the correct path and bring you both business and personal success. Joel Chery, a business professional who graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, shares the ways in which keeping your core values in mind can help you to create a better decision-making environment for your business.

Create a Thoughtful Mission Statement

When you create a mission statement for your company, make sure that you are putting in the work to bring your values to life. A hypocritical mission statement will bring the company embarrassment and make employees cynical about their jobs. Cynical employees are far less likely to do a good job and will drag your business down.

For example, if your company mission statement includes teamwork, make sure that you are creating an environment where this is encouraged and supported. Put policies in place that ensure that your employees feel valued and that their work contributes to the company as a whole. If your mission statement calls out innovation, do your best to incorporate new ideas. Quashing employees’ creativity will make them unhappy and keep them from contributing to their maximum efficiency.

Take Employee Concerns Seriously

When employees have problems with their work, make sure there are systems in place to help them. This level of consideration will help employees by assuring them that they are important to the company. Handling problems with a heavy hand or by punishing the people who brought the problem to attention will only backfire. Make sure that your human resource officer is empowered to deal with issues and make it clear to your employees that they are responsible for the success of the workplace as a whole.

Choose Core Values Based on Past Experiences

It is good to aspire to new heights, but it is smart to set the core values of your organization by looking back at past decisions. For example, if your business regularly rewards its best employees with bonuses, excellence can be one of your core values. If your business has many committees which try to integrate the work done across departments, collaboration can be one of your values. It is disingenuous to pick a core value you have never established through practice.

Align Personal and Professional Values

It is smart to make sure that your professional values are in line with your personal goals and aspirations, says Joel Chery. When you are creating values for your organization, do some soul-searching and create some for yourself as well. If you can conduct your business life with the same level of care as your personal life, you and your business will reap the benefits.

For example, if you have chosen honesty as one of your personal values, make sure that your company is above-board with all its dealings. Deceptive marketing or sneaky behavior will not agree with your personal values and will disrupt your personal development.

Aligning Your Values Will Create Loyalty

When your business lives up to its aspirations, you will attract quality employees and loyal customers. Believing in your potential means that others will believe as well. You will experience more success from a business standpoint, and you will find your career that much more satisfying. You can create a following for your business and enhance your professional reputation.

Joel Chery encourages all business owners to look carefully at their activities and aspirations and use them to choose their core values. When businesses take this process to heart, they will be better able to set goals and achieve the best work possible.

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