When starting a new business, developing good relationships with the people who work for you is essential to getting your start-up off in the right way. With employees who are loyal to your company and on board with actively encouraging business development and growth, your company will quickly start to see a range of positive results. In order to ensure good employee satisfaction in your workplace, it’s essential to build good relationships with your team workers. Here are some top tips for improving the employer/employee relationships in your company.

Invest in Futures
As an employer and a leader, you have the power to help your employees to go further in life. Today, one of the main things that make an employer attractive to potential new candidates is whether or not they offer any opportunities for training and development. For example, you could give your employees the opportunity to earn their public relations masters with this online SPR program from George Washington University! However, any on-the-job training program that will help your employees to go further in their career is a sure way to earn more respect and employee loyalty.
Be Open and Approachable
Having an open door policy in your office is an important step towards cultivating good relationships with each of your team members. Being an approachable boss not only helps to improve the workplace morale, it will also improve overall levels of job satisfaction, since employees are much more likely to be happy when they have a boss who is approachable and communicates well. Always keep in mind that your employees are the backbone of your company, so it’s important to listen to their concerns and be open to their suggestions for improvement.
Encourage Fun and Laughter
It’s clear to see from various studies that a happy, positive working environment leads to better employee job satisfaction, improved productivity, and stronger relationships at work. Rather than being the boss who sits behind closed doors and barks the orders, be a leader who isn’t scared of taking a break and having some fun with the people who keep their business afloat. For example, organizing employee fun days at the weekend, running competitions at work, or simply providing a place in the office for employees to wind down and relax on their break can promote a healthier relationship.
Take a Personal Interest
Although most people agree that it’s always best to keep your work and personal life separate, as a good leader it’s important to understand that this can sometimes be impossible. Being there for your employees if they go through any times of personal hardship can seriously strengthen the employer/employee relationships in your workplace. Offering time off and giving your employees the peace of mind that comes with knowing their job is secure when they experience a hard time in life will surely earn you a lot of respect and admiration from them.
In order to get the best results from your business, it’s important to have employees who are engaged, motivated and dedicated. To achieve this, you will need to build a good relationship with your workers!