Running a Business in the Summer

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pexels photo 452768

After the longer than usual winter, (we had a winter storm on the 2nd weekend of April), summer is final here as of June 21st!

When we think of summer, we think of vacations, going to summer camp, having a drink on a patio, laying in the hammock under a tree, ice cream and sunbathing at the beach…yes, it is summertime and the living is easy.

But, wait! Wait! I have a business to run…I can’t always take it easy!

I agree, running your business is a full-time thing. Sometimes we must make sacrifices and put focus on our business, our clients and ensuring our ventures are succeeding!

So, while our natural inclination is to go into summer mode and take the foot off the gas pedal as far as the level of intensity we put into the day-to-day operations of our businesses, it is still important to embrace the season.

To have balance basically!

All work and no play is no fun.

Yes, get the job done, but allow time for fun and time to embrace this time of year! Because, I don’t know about you, but I love summer!

Although I have work to do, I still really want to enjoy the sun, the vibe, the events and happenings that summertime brings!

How can we integrate loving this time of year with work?

Ha! That can be a challenge…when you have a client proposal due, or work to do, or quotes to prepare, or that website to refresh…you must get it done.

This week, we look at balancing work and having summertime fun!

Here are 5 things you can do to fully embrace the season and still be productive:

  • Work outside more. Yes, meet clients on a patio at a cafe. Or take your work out back, outside! Take in the outdoors more…the sun, the vitamin “D” lifts the spirits for sure.
  • Take time out at least once a week to do summertime things! Yes, you gotta work on the business, but I believe it is vital for your mental health to “get out of dodge” once in a while. Go out to the country, or the beach, or hit a nature trail, have a picnic with friends and family at least one day a week! I live in a major city (Toronto, Canada) and one day on the weekends I drive about 80 minutes northeast and go to Lake Simcoe. I do a nature trail walk, sit and read by the beach, swim in the beach, then I might go into town and go shopping and then I head to another small town nearby and grab dinner (with my partner) and we eat in the park by the Lake. It is quite lovely to be honest.

When it comes to going back to work on Monday, I feel like I have had a mini-summer vacation!

  • Save time to go to the many free concerts and festivals that happen throughout the summer. In the Toronto area for example, there are a ton of free movies, jazz fests and concerts in the park that happen. I encourage you to take part in these…

Now, if you want to mix business with pleasure, perhaps you can invite your clients and business colleagues to go with you for a business mixer event!

Can you imagine, you and 10 of your clients, meeting, mixing, networking at a free outdoor concert or movie in a park? You can treat them to ice cream too!

Basically, it is a low-cost way to nurture the client relationship and yes, you get to embrace some summertime fun!

  • Get up a bit earlier in the morning and go for a morning walk. There is something magical and peaceful about going on a morning walk at 6 am as the sun rises. It is a great time to clear your mind, breathe, exercise and have a little alone time!
  • Finally, take a vacation! Let your clients know that you will be away for a week and that you will care for them when you get back. But plan at least a week to get away from it all.

I find it helpful to take a vacation from social media, emails, texting and calling in for messages. The world will be okay without you for a week. Actually take a trip away if you have the means. If you have set things up in your business from an operations’ point of view, then your business will run okay for the 5 business days that you are away!

I hope these help, have a great summer, and do some meaningful work too!

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David Cohen
David is an author, business coach, and facilitator and the former host/producer and creator of the Small Business Big Ideas Show heard weekly for over 9 years. David has taught thousands over the years in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors and has coached hundreds of start-ups to make those important first steps. He specializes in helping small business owners mine their strengths, get clear on their value, their markets and then begin to develop a sales and marketing game plan that gets results. He also can be booked to do his keynote presentations; “The 8 Keys to Success, How I got to Kiss the Stanley Cup and his new keynote called “A breakthrough-through the glass”- how to overcome the fear that life and business might throw your way. He leads workshops in sales, marketing, market research, business plans, target marketing and customer service programs. David is passionate about helping others live with joy and passion and to lead successful, heart-centered businesses.