Tired of constantly having to climb the corporate ladder and work under someone else, more and more people are starting their own business nowadays. No matter what industry you’re in, and how big your company is, there’s a common denominator to every entrepreneurial endeavor – a seemingly never-ending workload.
For some, juggling a booming business with family, kids, friends and downtime seems to come naturally. For the rest of us though, it’s less of a natural process and more of a struggle.
There are just 24 hours in a single day, and if cramming a 14-hour workday, sleep, at least one decent meal and a few minutes of family time seems impossible – know that you’re not alone.
With all of this in mind, it’s not surprising that the most prevailing issue among entrepreneurs and small business owners is how to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Fortunately, everything stated above is actually possible, and it’s not all that hard to achieve. With a little bit of introspection and some smart planning, you can learn how to manage stressful, heavy workload and bring your work-life balance to a whole new level.
Build a professional website that easy to manage
Every business, no matter how big or small, needs to have a website. Establishing an online presence is a must for every company, but the stress and pressure of putting up a professional website can often be too much to handle.
That’s why we recommend going with SITE123, a website builder company that completely changed the game when it comes to creating easy to use and intuitive websites.
SITE123 is built with an amazing code that allows you to have a professional, responsive website up and running in minutes. Completely free, user-friendly, and perfectly integrated with extremely useful third-party apps, SITE123 is a fantastic tool you can use to relieve the inevitable pressure that comes with owning a small business.
Know yourself and what you’re good at
No matter what you’re doing and what business you’re in, the key to success is having confidence and believing in yourself despite all of the odds.
However, there’s a fine line between a positive entrepreneurial confidence and a destructive, self-centered view on reality – and you need to know how to walk it.
That’s why you need to sit down and do a little bit of introspection. Take a minute and focus on singling out your strengths and your weaknesses, and try to see them with a fresh pair of eyes. Make a list of all the daily tasks that your business requires, and see where you can implement both your best and your worst traits.
If you tend to be a bit too controlling and have an obsessive need to organize everything, why not use what would usually be described as a flaw to your advantage. Tedious, repeating tasks such as bookkeeping and doing taxes are a great way to channel these weaknesses into something very useful.
Along the same line – if you’re good with people and know your industry well, focus more on sales and customer service instead of focusing solely on the technical aspects of business.
By knowing yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses, you’ll be able to back down from tasks you’d be mediocre at, and step up when you know you’re the best choice for the job.
Plan in retrospect
Planning is the cornerstone of all good organization. Having your tasks laid out in front of you is great for productivity, and can give you a sense of security when it comes to the future.
However, no matter how detailed your plan is, how many variables you included and how far into the future it goes, you can’t predict everything. Anything as minuscule as a sick day or a misunderstood email can wreak havoc on your overall schedule.
You can’t predict the future, but you sure as hell can look into the past and get all of your organizational queues from there. Being an entrepreneur means setting your own goals and deadlines. But, more often than not, it can lead to an overwhelming amount of work with pretty unreasonable deadlines.
Analyze your past few weeks or months and see how much work you’ve been able to handle. See how you did on your least and your most productive day, and try to find a middle course to fly in the future. That way, you always know you’ll be able to complete everything you set aside for that particular workday. Everything else you manage to do on top of that is a welcome bonus, something that will surely boost your overall productivity, make your more motivated and significantly up your confidence.
A little bit of help goes a long way
Wanting to be completely autonomous and not having to rely on anyone are probably the very reasons you started your own business. An entrepreneur has to be skilled at every aspect of running a business – from strategy and finances to managing office supplies.
Although having a versatile skill set can be extremely useful, it often comes at a price. You can’t be equally good at everything, which usually implies one of two things – either the quality of some the work you do is going to suffer, or the amount of work you do will seriously put a strain on you.
Knowing when to ask for help is a separate skill on its own. However, if you know yourself pretty well and are confident in your plans for the future, it’s not that far out of your reach.
You can’t create a website, do sales and marketing, keep books and work in manufacturing at the same time. If you somehow manage to do it, you risk compromising the quality of your work, which is something all small businesses are built on.
An important thing to remember is that just a little bit of help can go a long way. Something as minor as getting honest feedback from your friends or borrowing a car for the day from a family member can significantly lighten your daily workload.
If hiring someone to help is not financially viable, you can always turn to freelancers or ask other small business owners for services in exchange for goods.
However you choose to get help and whoever you choose to get it from ultimately doesn’t matter. What matters is that you remember that asking for it isn’t a sign of weakness, but a trait of a balanced, level-headed businessperson.
Staying sane in the face of an unstable, unpredictable world of owning a small business is hard. It takes a special kind of person to be an entrepreneur, a specific combination of traits that can often backfire when facing an immense workload.
Know yourself, know when to step up and when it’s time to back down, and never let your pride stop you from asking for a helping hand. Look into the past to learn how to cope with whatever the future might hold.
Focus on the important things, and use everything you can get your hands on to help you with the less fun, daily tasks. SITE123 is a website builder that allows entrepreneurs, startups and small business owners to build an incredible free website with ease.