Taking Proper Care of Your Pups While Working from Home

Woman Working from Home with Dog
Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

Working from home has its share of perks and advantages compared to working the 9-to-5 drill in a formal office. One of the more significant advantages includes the fact that you can work in the company of your loved ones and your pets, of course!

If you’re a dog owner, you’re probably aware of their tendencies to develop separation anxiety. So, working from home is the best-case scenario for them. However, simply your presence isn’t enough to fulfill your pup’s needs. You need to regulate your routine so that your workflow is uninterrupted, and your pup’s needs are all met.

That is precisely what we’ll be discussing in today’s article. Read on ahead to find out how you can take proper care of your pups while working from home!

Create a Routine for You And Your Puppy

While some puppy owners working from home will disagree with the idea of establishing a routine with your puppy, it’s actually a scientifically backed practice. Most dogs crave a sense of regulation and order within their daily schedules. It gives them a sense of security throughout the day.

As someone who works at home, you can figure out a schedule that does not interfere with your work time and keeps your pup engaged. This will train the pup to act up during certain times when the set course of activities has been followed.

Get Your Puppy the Right Meal for Them

Giving your pup meals with the right ingredients and excellent nutritional value is of utmost importance. This plays a huge role in their livelihood and ensures that their body grows stronger and healthier. Try opting for meals that are appropriate for your pup and specially formulated for their breed.

This will ensure that the proper nutrients are obtained for them to get strong bones, well-developed sight and brain, healthier skin, hair, and healthy organs. Choosing the proper meal for your pup is the first step to taking proper care of them.

Short and Sweet Training Sessions

While establishing a routine is good enough to set the record straight, training is a crucial step to tackle behavioral and social issues that your pup may be showing. You can teach them the difference between work and playtime, and you can efficiently train them to not bother you excessively while you’re working.

Healthy Treats for a Good Pup!

While healthy meals are something you need to add to the routine, snacks and treats are a great way to reward your pup every once in a while. You can opt for snacks and treats that are both yummy and delicious to snack on. Our personal favorites include fruits and veggie slices, cooked and unsalted chicken and beef pieces, or healthy sweet treats made with organic produce.

These snacks come in handy when your pup just wants some love. Use them as a reward during training sessions or even when they stick to the schedule properly.

Get Your Puppy Interactive Toys

When you’re working, one little distraction can disturb that train of thought in an instant. An excellent way to make sure that your pup stays engaged while you get your work done is by investing in some fun and interactive toys.

Unique dog toys and puzzle games are all over the market. They can keep your pup occupied for hours on end. Not only is it fun for them, but it’s also a great way to make sure your pups don’t bother you while you’re getting your work done.

Cuddle Time Is Essential!

Cuddling is a necessity for any pup. Some warm snuggles with their owner will make them feel secure and safe. Try to make time for cuddles in your schedule to ensure that your dog gets its due cuddle time.

All it takes is 10 minutes of your time, but those 10 minutes of pure love will keep your pup happy and tamed throughout the day. You can even try to train them to nap at your feet, so they get their due cuddling time while you continue to work.

Find the Time to Walk Your Dog

Any dog owner knows that taking your pup out for their daily walk is absolutely essential. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes, you should take them out and let them walk around, exercise, and engage with nature freely. This not only promotes their physical health but also helps them to exert their pent-up energy.

Walk time is a great way to bond with your pup as well. That one-on-one time can be an excellent experience for the puppy, and you will have the chance to take a break from your work as well.

Additionally, you can factor in their pooping time during this period too. Potty training is absolutely crucial, and their daily walk time is the perfect way to train them in that aspect.

Socialize Your Pup Properly

If your dog usually stays at home and doesn’t get to go out and interact with other puppies and people that often, then you need to start working on their social skills. Dogs need to be able to interact with other animals and people to develop their social skills.

If their socializing capabilities aren’t fully developed, they may end up being hostile towards any stranger as they grow up. Therefore, you must take your pup out on walks where they can interact with other animals and peoples and train them to be friendly.

Crate/Play Pen Training

The last essential we’ll mention is the need to make sure that your pup is trained to stay calm when they’re put in their crate or playpen. The playpen situation gives the pup more freedom to move around, so it’s best to invest in one of those. This will make the pup learn to be good with their alone time and respect the boundaries you establish.


We hope that our tips proved helpful in learning how to properly take care of your pup while managing your work from home. Happy training!

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