Differences Between Survey and Poll

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The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages across the world. However, it can get confusing once words with close definitions are involved. For instance, it is important to know the difference between a survey and a poll when choosing to do an online poll vs. survey.

There are great similarities between the two but the differences too are a couple. The differences mainly come up from the procedures and methods used in respondents selection, data collection and data analysis.

A survey is any exercise carried out to gather information. This means the entire process from respondent selection, data collection and data analysis. A poll on the other hand, is a type of survey that is narrow in terms of target respondents and definitions. A poll mainly requires the respondents’ opinions about a topic.

For example, we can carry out a survey about the effects of the Covid-19 virus. This would invite all sorts of responses from all sorts of respondents — children, men, women, senior citizens, married, unmarried etc. On the other hand, a poll can be conducted specifically to check the impact of the Covid-19 virus on gender-based violence towards women. This poll is one that targets particularly women and they have to give their opinions regarding the impact of the virus particularly on gender-based violence.

Another good example of polls is the general election. There is a very particular respondent targeted here, a registered voter of a particular region. Additionally, their answer must be very specific on their opinion on which particular candidate should take up a particular position. Another survey may be conducted to know what voters should consider when choosing their desired candidate. Here the respondent can be anybody. Additionally, they have freedom to give any opinion. It is, however, very important to remember that a poll is a survey. How narrow and/or specific it is, is determined by the resources available and the accuracy of the data required.

Budget and Resources Used

When we consider the methodology, the differences become more visible. Polls tend to be cheaper than surveys. This is because they have very specific respondents and expected answers. Let`s consider the general election. The need to prepare materials for education and the data collection exercise for the voters. Additionally, the data collection materials are very specific on the possible choices the voter can make. Other surveys, on the other hand, require more resources, since they might target the entire population. The data collection materials as well need to provide more space for a wide variety of inputs. It goes without saying that the surveys have more human resource demands than polls. This adds up to the total cost since these people need to be hired.

Time Taken

Another clear difference is that polls take a significantly shorter period to conduct than surveys. A general election, for instance, takes a day or two. Other surveys might take up to months to complete. This is because it takes time to prepare the vast amount of materials required. Similarly, the more target respondents you have means that you need to reach more people. This comes with a variety of different challenges that turn out to be very time-consuming.

Data Accuracy Required

Accuracy is another very important aspect when it comes to choosing to do an online poll vs. survey. Polls are very accurate as compared to other surveys. At the end of a general election, we get to know the particular most popular candidates based on voters’ opinions. A survey can provide a wide variety of inputs due to the freedom of responses. These responses can deviate greatly from the expected data and turn out very inaccurate.

Data Analysis Complexity

When it comes to data analysis, polls are much easier. This is because the expected responses are well set out. Other surveys require more complex data analysis since the inputs are mixed up. For instance, in a general election, the data analysis involves counting and grouping data based on the input. Other surveys would require data validation fast, then decode the data to reasonable groups. Then tally.

When choosing to do an online poll vs. a survey, it is therefore very important to consider a number of parameters. These include:

  • Your target respondents;
  • Accuracy of the data required;
  • Complexity of the data analysis;
  • Resources available for the survey.

This way you can come with a very effective and efficient survey exercise.

Author: Jim Whaley

University faculty and students understand the value of quality data. When you are collecting online survey data for a dissertation or a grant-supported research project, you want to ask the correct survey questions and connect with the right audience. OvationMR will help by targeting the exact type of survey respondent for your quantitative data analysis. Targeting the correct audience means a more confident research conclusion. Call (+1.212.653.8750) or email (info@ovationmr.com) OvationMR to start your online survey research.

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