7 Questions You Must Ask Property Valuers Before Appraisal

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Unless you are conversant with the value of your property or that which you intend to buy, you are likely to get a raw deal in the long run. For this reason, it will be prudent for you to hire reliable property valuers. You should note that commercial property valuation in Sydney, Australia could be quite complicated. In this light, ensure that you are familiar with absolute basics before they carry out an appraisal. Here are some of the critical questions which you should always ask.

  • How do you measure value comparable?

Often, most property valuers tend to apply different yet comprehensive scientific methods when carrying out the appraisal. This way, it will be easier to realize more accurate value estimates. Some of the most credible methodologies they are likely to use will often include substitution/comparison, cost, and income.

The comparison method relies on the average price or value of similar properties within that region. From this, relevant adjustments will get considered, from which you will get the eventual cost. You could consider income as well as cost approaches if you want to check rental properties. The value of the property, in this case, will be a product of the potential income you will get from it in the long run.

It is after comparing the methods that they use that you will decide. Ensure that you pick an expert that employs a technique that is likely to match your long-term goals. They should be committed to covering every detail and keeping you informed with transparency. Orlando Property Management is a good choice to consider.

  • How do you calculate depreciation?

If you choose a professional that will use the cost or income approach, it will be vital for you to know how they will estimate the loss of value. Such loss of value is what we refer to as depreciation. You should note that physical, functional, and even external obsolescence are some of the significant contributors to such losses. While at it, you will witness that there is curable as well as incurable depreciation.

Usually, you will spend little on repairing curable depreciation. Such can hardly hold for incurable depreciation.

Whichever approach the expert uses, ensure that you are comfortable with it. Most tend to rely on linear methods. With this method, you will be confident of more accuracy in estimating value.

  • Where will you get data?

Nothing could be more definitive of the excellence of this process than the sufficiency of the necessary information. Unless you have all the info you need at hand, it could be hard to get proper estimates.

Your chosen professional should prove that they are ready to rely on various data sources such as market information and trends, tax records, as well as public records. With such comprehensive sources, determining the value of your house, and so, will hardly be a hassle.

Additionally, you need to ensure that these experts go for data services that can add data as well as give them the room to run the relevant statistics.

Often, extensive analysis of data will be central in ensuring that you get valuations that are not only reliable but also supported. This way, the appraisal process will also be much smoother.

  • How will you conduct this appraisal?

In most cases, the appraiser tends to determine the envisioned use of the given property. It is from this that they will plan the scope of work, including what and where to get information, as well as how to analyze the resultant data.

Your chosen appraiser should provide you with an elaborate plan of how they will execute this process. It should encompass how they will get data, make comparisons, and conclude. This plan needs to address any potential flaws too. From this, it will be easier for you to get a better value at the end of the day.

Besides, such will be the right time to understand how long they will take on the project. Often, commercial property valuation tends to take about three to four weeks. Ensure that you pick someone that will assure you of convenience. As such, they need to offer comprehensive services yet within a short time.

  • Are you registered?

Registration and proper licensure will often play a central role in defining the level of professionalism of the expert. Unless you go for an expert that has all the necessary permits to operate, you are likely to face legal issues down the road.

Appraisers need to stick to strict codes of ethics. It is probable for the authorities to revoke their licenses if they do not follow the given regulations.

Besides, it would help if you remembered that registration and licensure are reflective of compliance. With such qualifications, there is a higher chance of them observing the set regulations. Sticking by the laws that guide the commercial real estate industry will often be a surety of the right value estimates.

While at it, you will find it helpful to go for a local expert. That is because they are more conversant with the local regulations. This way, they will not give you a hard time when it comes to compliance. Additionally, they will be much easier for you to access.

  • What type of appraisal will you offer?

Usually, appraisal reports tend to differ. Yet, your objectives and budget will be definitive of the report that you get. For this reason, you will need a professional that is ready and willing to offer you the type of report that you want. It should take care of your objectives, preferences, and within your budget.

Often, you will need to choose from full narrative reports, uniform appraisals, and summary reports. Summary reports might not include inspection but will assure you of faster turnaround time and affordability. It will be ideal for smaller properties. If you want enhanced inspection and results, choosing uniform and full narrative types of reports will be suitable for you.

  • How much will you charge for your services?

Experts will always charge different amounts. Besides, they embrace distinct approaches to billing. Depending on your budget, ensure that you choose someone that will hardly inconvenience you in the long run. Take your time to compare how much different professionals charge, and whom you can afford and work with. This way, you will be confident of avoiding financial constraints at some point too.

Understanding their billing approaches will often ensure that you pick someone that will not compromise your financial standing. You will need to choose between one that charges an hourly rate and that who charges per project.


Commercial property valuation plays a central role in highlighting a more accurate estimate of the cost of a property. Relying on the services of a professional will be the best move for you to consider. Asking the questions above will help you get an insight into what to expect from them.

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