4 Goals to Add to Your Career Bucket List and How to Achieve Them

Bucket List

You’ve heard of bucket lists before, right? Probably so. Bucket lists are ideas or goals you want to accomplish before you “kick the bucket,” so to say but it doesn’t necessarily have to mean before you die; it can also mean that you have a mission to complete these goals before you reach a certain age too. With bucket lists, they typically are more geared towards traveling or doing death-defying acts but the reality is, bucket lists can be whatever you want them to be, in fact, lots of people have taken bucket lists and created them specifically for career purposes.

Creating a career bucket list is actually a great way to help you grow as a professional and it’s a great way to make you hold yourself accountable for achieving or not achieving your goals. Maybe you have a bucket list that includes going to a live taping of the Jimmy Fallon Show or to swim with dolphins but while you’re making extra efforts to mark off some of those goals, you should really consider creating a bucket list for your career and put just as much effort into that one as you do the other one.

If you’re going to create a career bucket list and the main focus of your bucket list is fulfillment and satisfaction, then why should you have to wait until the end of your work shift… you can start checking things off as soon as right now! Take a look at some achievable goals to add to your career bucket list today!

Career Bucket List 1: Learn a Different Language

Being able to speak a different language is a huge asset to any company. Why is that so? Because knowing more than one language equips you with the cognitive skills that a company needs to provide global solutions and break down language barriers for international relations. Having this skill in your back pocket will certainly get you ahead in your career, regardless of what industry you’re in.

There are of course books you can purchase but there are now apps that you can download to your phone to learn practically any language you want. According to thelinguist.com, the amount of time it takes to learn a different language is dependent on three factors: the amount of time the learner has to invest in learning the language, the attitude of the learner, and how attentive the learner is to the ins and outs of the language. But there are time frames to follow, it just depends on the language you’re learning because there are certainly languages that are harder to learn than others.

Career Bucket List 2: Work in a Different City, State, or Country

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to expand your horizons. Being a “traveled” individual is definitely an impressive point on your resume and the awesome thing about this goal is that it’s very attainable. For one, technology has changed the way we work so much that you barely even have to show up… as long as you have internet access, lots of people have capabilities to work from wherever they want, whether you want to work in New Jersey or New Amsterdam!

In addition to that, the way we look for jobs has gotten even easier now too. There are your typical job search engines that help you locate jobs in various fields but then there are job boards designed for specific industries too. Let’s say you’re a radiologist and you wanted to work in another state…well, there is a job board that helps radiologists find jobs! The same goes for if you’re an advanced practitioner or a neurologist… you have the ability to search by state or by specialty.

To achieve this goal, regardless of the industry you choose, you have to do your research to find positions in your field in the area you want to go to. If you want to work in a different country, you need to look up the requirements needed in order to work in that country.

Career Bucket List 3: Gain the Confidence to Ask for a Pay Raise

So, it’s pretty obvious that no one is going to turn down an offer of a pay raise but oftentimes, when it comes to asking for one, most people shy away from it because deep down you feel like you don’t deserve it or are even worth it. If you feel that way, you have to ask yourself why do you feel that way. If you’re unclear as to exactly why you feel that way, and even if you know why you feel that way, your main focus needs to be not feeling that way anymore.

To prove not only to your boss but also to yourself that you are worthy of a raise, you have to build your confidence up. Set goals for yourself each day and keep track of how often you hit them, and be honest with yourself about your goal progress too. The more assured you feel in your job and your capabilities, the more confident you’ll feel in asking for an increase in your pay… remember, success is determined by how you approach your goals.

Career Bucket List 4: Take Time Off to Go On Vacation

Everyone needs a vacation at some point in their life… it’s not healthy to work and work and work with no extended breaks. Maybe you’re someone who feels like if you’re not there to make sure something gets done right, you feel like it won’t get done; that’s not a healthy mindset to have. In order to have a healthy work-life balance, you have to take time off from time to time.

Consider planning a trip out of the country so that your job won’t be so easily accessible. But to put your mind at ease a bit, let your team know in advance what your plans are and also, take the time out to put together a detailed list of everything that needs to get done while you’re gone. This will help you breathe a little easier and give your mind the break it needed.

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