Avoid The Top 3 Business Writing Mistakes


Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

“Most business people have great ideas, but when it comes to putting those ideas on paper, they ramble on for pages and end up looking less than professional. But in today’s communication age, with email trumping the phone and deals being done via text and social media, writing skills are of paramount importance. In fact, when your writing gets to the point quickly and effectively, you can enhance your credibility, position yourself as a leader, and ultimately increase your bottom line. Avoiding the following top three business writing mistakes that plague most business writing today will boost your professional presence:

1. Not knowing the specifics of your audience.

2. Writing to impress rather than to express.

3. Talking down to your reader.”

Dawn Josephson, Ghostwriter, editor, and writing coach

When starting a business, many entrepreneurs have specific skills related to their niche, such as a talent in wood carving, or embroidery. Some people may not have the typical college-level education that offers intensive writing courses for students, but that does not immediately disqualify them from becoming successful business owners. To improve writing skills, it takes practice and a solid understanding of the mechanics of language and forming clear sentences. Online tools such as Grammarly and LanguageTool are very helpful sites for checking punctuation and clarity of your business writings. Emails, proposals, and business plans must be error-free to impress future clients.

Another way you can improve your writing skills is to study the professional writing styles of professional papers to gain knowledge, and continue your education without hurting your finances by checking out free online writing courses. Finally, a very helpful and rudimentary way to improve your writing is through reading many different genres of books. Reading on a consistent basis improves comprehension, focus, and broadens a person’s vocabulary. Best of luck on your business writing endeavors!

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