4 Ways to Increase a Youthful Glow

Laughing woman sitting outside
Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

For half of the population of the world who are interested in having beautiful and glowing skin while they go about their daily chores every day, it is essential to have natural and homemade remedies at the tips of their fingers.

You will want to be sure you don’t use chemicals on your skin. This will make it rough. No one wants to lose the shine of their skin. Look for remedies that will help you revitalize your skin that will bear the brunt of harsh weather conditions and climatic changes.

We have compiled a list of four homemade remedies for busy women to make them look super radiant with glowing freshness. Most of these remedies do not consume much time and can be done at any moment.

1. For the Face

For women with oily skin, the best remedy is to use a natural face mask. While there are many ways to make a natural and homemade mask, one of the best and easiest would be a mixture of honey, water, lemon juice, and clay. Do not use more than two to four tablespoons of honey and clay respectively.

Honey acts as an exfoliator and removes dead skin from your face, giving it a glowing look. Lemons have antibacterial properties which fight against acne and clay will help absorb the extra oil in your skin. Keep this mask on for about fifteen minutes and wash it off gently with lukewarm water.

2. For the Hair

If your hair is your problem zone, we have just the remedy for you. The stress of the workplace gets not only to your body but also to your hair. To get back the healthy shine of your hair, try this straightforward remedy at home. You will need a mixture of rosemary oil and virgin coconut oil. A ratio of one part rosemary oil to two parts coconut oil will do the trick. Add this mixture to your head and massage it onto your scalp thoroughly. This mixture needs to sit in your hair for at least one whole night. Sleep with a hair mask on the evening you decide to do this treatment.

Rosemary oil helps to stimulate the flow of blood in your scalp. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that provide nutrition for the follicles of the hair. Coconut oil has fatty acids that help promote the growth of hair. The mixture needs to be applied to your scalp twice a week for noticeable results.

You can also apply rosemary oil to your hair by mixing it in your usual shampoo or conditioner.

3. For the Eyes

The biggest problem a working woman faces when it comes to taking care of herself is the dark circles under her eyes: a result of overworking herself. The easiest and the most cost-effective way to combat this problem is to put two slices of cucumber over your eyes and just relax for a while.

The presence of folic acid and Vitamin C in the slices of cucumber help reduce the swelling and irritation in our eyes caused by extra stress. The properties of cucumber also help repair the damage caused to our skin, and reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

4. For the Lips

Our lips are the most overlooked feature on our face. Most women wear lipsticks that are filled with chemicals, so it is a necessity to take care of our lips as best as we can. For better care and protection, make a mixture of sugar, olive oil, and honey. This mixture should be spread around evenly on the lips like a lip balm.

Honey has natural bleaching properties that can help lighten the skin around your lips. Olive oil has features that can protect your lips against drying. Finally, sugar helps hydrate the lips to keep them from drying and chapping. Keep the mixture in a small container so that you can use it whenever the need arises.

5. For the Teeth

All the hair and beauty products above would not help much if your teeth are brown, stained and crooked. So you also need to avoid coffee and smoking and look into natural whitening products like using an LED teeth whitening device. This device combined with activated charcoal toothpaste is a winning combination. For crooked teeth, I recommend Invisalign to fix them quickly without ugly braces that you usually see used by most dentists.

Use these natural remedies at home to blow everyone away the next time you make an appearance at a client or private meeting. You are sure to turn more heads towards you!

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