How to Raise Money for Charity

Donation jar with charity written on it

Is there a charity that is close to your heart? Maybe you are passionate about stray animals, supporting children at risk, fighting poverty and cancer, or solving a problem locally? Whatever your idea is, you can be more than sure that there’s already a charity created for that. What can you do in order to help your preferred cause succeed? Let’s look at a few proven strategies that will enable you to raise the required funds for your favorite charity.

Auction Time!

Holding an auction when you need to raise money fast is hardly a surprise option for most, the team say. It is, undoubtedly, quite fun and entertaining as well. Almost every person or business can offer their professional services or personal talent for an honorable cause.

Wondering about what exactly can be auctioned? Well, you can start by asking your eligible single friends who happen to have a good sense of humor if they mind being auctioned for charity. If you somehow feel that’s not appropriate in a certain case, services such as washing people’s cars in the summer or maintaining a winning bidder’s lawn for a month might just do the trick. Now you only need to spread the word in order to get as many people involved.

Run a Marathon

It simply wouldn’t be fair if we skip mentioning the most popular way to raise money, and that’s charity marathons. Get prepared by deciding whether you will be joining a local team or finding another way to get involved, then put on your trainers and get in the game. You can be sure you are participating in an awesome initiative, staying fit and healthy at the same time. It’s a win-win.

Fundraising over the past few years has become really colorful, as marathon runners have dressed in anything from animal suits to showcasing different professions. Let your imagination run wild and have fun.

Runners in marathon

Host Your Own Event

When it comes to finding ideas for your fundraising events, the sky’s the limit. Whether it is showcasing your hobbies, auctioning off amateur art or hosting a party, you can expect a good turnout if advertised properly. You can use almost any type of event as a way to raise some money. Of course, you will need to do some planning, budgeting and creativity in order to make it a success.

Another benefit of hosting a charity event is the fact that this is an awesome way to build your community relationships. The more your group of volunteers enjoy what they are participating in, the more likely it is that they will continue their efforts, providing you with ongoing support for your cause. Just make sure you surround yourself with people who are just as passionate about your favorite cause as you are. Also, ask some local businesses if they can donate food and other necessary materials in order to reduce event costs.

Take Advantage of Social Media

Technology has enabled us to reach a huge audience like never before. No event nowadays is really successful unless it is properly represented on different social media channels. You can use Facebook to send out invites and get more people involved for communications, discussions and tackling a great deal of the organizational stuff.

You can even go beyond that, organizing a whole charitable contest. Wondering what a charitable contest is? That would include uploading a photo or video to a contest page and having people vote for their favorite entry. The contest content could also take form in writing, representing slogans or personal stories in the form of an essay, describing the positive impact of said charity on a particular individual, as well as its general merits.

Charity auction

Get Your Friends to Help

It is quite usual for fundraisers to get questions from people about the need for additional help, aside from the donations themselves. Answer by recruiting them with the most precious gift of all – the gift of time. If your best friend is an amazing baker, ask them to prepare some cupcakes for your event. Do you know an artist who would be willing to part with a couple of paintings to be auctioned for charity? Or maybe the school football team can host a weekend training camp with the same purpose.

Another kind of help from your buddies would be splitting responsibilities. You can have one person send out invites, another one talk to sponsors, and another individual organize the food/drink prep, etc. That’s a good way to maintain focus and not forget minute details when you are all over the place trying to get everything ready single-handedly.

Update Your Audience on a Regular Basis

The more often you give your supporters news about the fundraiser, the closer you are to being successful at your cause. Make sure you post information on your page at least once a week. If you have photos and/or videos about the charity, that’s even better. Share both the good news and the challenges you are facing and let people in on your journey, whatever fundraising setbacks you might be experiencing.

Even if you just have a Facebook and Twitter account, use them often, adding the appropriate hashtags to your posts. Give people a little nudge in terms of subscribing to getting news from you, especially if you own a website. Make sure you put a subscribe button and send out updates regularly.

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