Planning to move and don’t know where to start? Start from going through your stuff and packing important things. Below we prepared several useful tips to help you pack fast and efficiently, regardless of the volume of your move.
Pack in the right way
There is no secret that hiring professional movers is a real time- and efforts-saver, but not all the people can afford hiring a mover to do all the job. So if you are short on budget, pro mover Vic’s the Moving Man in Regina gives the most important advice about packing – plan everything very carefully and try to stick to it. Be ready that some misunderstandings, problems, shortages, deadline breaks will occur during the move and packing process. So be ready for them and do not stress out, just accept everything.
Packing Guidelines
This part is for people who have decided to pack everything or at least partially without pro help. In order to do everything fast and easy you will need to get all the supplies to do it right. Pros from Langley moving company firmly recommend doing everything beforehand so that on the moving day everything is ready for loading and moving. Try to pack as much as possible as early as possible, and for the last night leave only one bag with essential stuff you need.
Make sure that you know the rules and standards of packing that your mover wants from your belongings. For instance, moving companies in Regina always ask the people to have clean, undamaged, perfectly closed boxes, otherwise they refuse to transport them. Moreover, in this case you will have to repack everything again, so try to do everything from the first time. When packing do not leave empty spaces and seal all the boxes with tape to ensure their integrity.
What Should You Pack?
There is no secret that not everything can be fitted into boxes. As a rule, major appliances, pieces of furniture and anything big are transported better and safer if wrapped and padded by the professional moving company. Even if you are short on a budget, try to fit this part into it, because in the worst case you will have to replace, renovate, or even buy absolutely new things after the move, which undoubtedly cannot be cheaper.
Basic Supplies Needed
Box Basics
Try to use new boxes, or at least make sure that have very good shape and visual appeal. It is highly advised to use high-quality packing materials which are specifically designed for moving. According to moving companies in Langley, only in this way you will ensure that the items will safely arrive. You can always ask your mover for used special boxes, and generally will not have to pay for them, as they are used.
Other Supplies
Much of special packing paper
Something for delicate items (such as bubble wrap, tissue paper or paper towels)
Rolls of PVC tape and also tape dispenser
Markers for labeling boxes
Notebook and pen to list contents of every carton box.
Vic’s the Moving Man – Moving Company Regina
608 Forget St
S4T 4X2
(306) 533-5839