Lifestyle Tips for Entrepreneurs: How to Choose the Best Child Custody Lawyer

Depositphotos 133831676 m 2015
Depositphotos 133831676 m 2015

Child custody cases are the most delicate cases because they involve a child or children. It is a battle that has to be fought right to ensure everything works out for the good of the little ones. Otherwise, the child’s future or even their psychological wellbeing will be at stake. As a party involved in a child custody case, it is best to seek the help of an experienced attorney, who can carefully examine the situation and help with the resolution process.

There are numerous practicing attorneys in the area of family law; a simple Google search will give you thousands of contacts. But how do you know who is best for you?

Right Experience

Every lawyer specializes in a specific area of law, so don’t look at the overall experience but the right experience. Look for a professional who specializes in family law and has worked on custody cases. Ask the lawyer to give you examples of similar cases that they have worked on.


The best person to represent you in court is someone who has an in-depth understanding of the family law matters. Additionally, they should know how the court system works and how to take on a case aggressively.

Look Within Your City

Child custody laws differ from state to state and thus it is advisable to search for a lawyer within the city. If the case is happening in a different state, look for a lawyer who is conversant with the family laws in that state. Another benefit of hiring an attorney within your city is easy accessibility. You can have a one-on-one meeting. Also, the overall cost is likely to be lower because travel costs are low.


You should do a background check and search for reviews before you hire an attorney. Search online for any negative reviews using their names, the name of the company, and the website address. Don’t forget to check social media too.


Before you hire child visitation lawyers, inquire the cost of the entire process. Hourly rates will differ depending on the qualifications, experience, and location of the lawyer. You can ask for quotes from a number of them and choose the most affordable one. However, don’t compromise on the quality of representation that you or your child or children get just to pay less.

Questions to Ask

Have a one-on-one meeting with the attorney before you hire them. This will help in evaluating their personality, skills, and expertise. Watch keenly how they communicate and how comprehensively they answer your questions.

Some of the questions you should ask include:

  • Are you a member of professional organizations?
  • How long have you been practicing and how many cases have you handled in child custody?
  • What ideas do you have for handling this case and what outcome can we expect?
  • Is it possible to settle out of court?
  • Will you be working on this case alone?
  • How much will the case cost and when do you expect complete payment?

Managing a business while handling a divorce and fighting for the welfare of your children can be harrowing, but keep a level head and you will pull through. By taking your time to review the expertise, experience, reputation, and personalities, you will find an attorney who will work with you to ensure that the best decision is made in regards to your child or children.

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