10 Steps to Making Your Home More Secure


On a scale of 1 to 10, just how secure is your home? This is a question most homeowners do not pay the requisite attention yet they should, especially if the statistics on burglary are anything to go by. Available FBI reports for instance, show that an average of four home burglaries occur every minute. This is even more mortifying considering that in 90 percent of the recorded instances; the burglars usually find the homes empty. These statistics notwithstanding, the following ten security measures will help keep your home safe.

  1. Sensitize every household member on home security

Every member of your household should know and agree to implement basic security rules such as using windows and door locks, closing and locking garage doors, securing the home at all times and never opening the door to strangers.

  1. Reinforce your home’s windows, build a fence

Windows help beautify your home. However, they come with a huge security pitfall. Unfortified windows for instance, offer easy access to the home because by breaking them, intruders can easily reach for and unlock the door. However, you can fortify your windows by installing laminated glass and positioning the windows far from the door.

Also, consider building a fence. A fence can significantly reduce the risks of intrusion and gives your home a very ‘safe’ outlook. But before erecting one, make sure you talk to your neighbors to make sure they are okay with it.

  1. Secure keys and door remotes

Leaving door keys and garage remotes in open visible places in the home is just as enticing as positioning unfortified windows close to the door. Secure these inside drawers or at least remove them from open view.

  1. Light up your outdoors

Outdoor lighting, especially the kind with infrared motion sensors can really help secure your home if installed near entry points. These should replace burned out lightbulbs.

  1. Keep the contents of your home private

You can never know when burglars decide to scouting your neighborhood. For that reason, always draw your curtains and window covering so no one can see inside your home. Such measures conceal your belongings while deterring burglars from learning your routine.

  1. Assess and replace entry points as appropriate

Build a habit of inspecting all doors regularly. In the process, replace worn parts or install more secure doors. For instance, you should replace hollow doors with solid core shutters or metal clad doors.

  1. Trim shrubbery around the home

Shrubbery that grows too tall and bushy may provide great hiding spots for burglars. As such, prune and trim these as is appropriate.

  1. Make acquaintance of your neighbors

When your neighbors know you, they are a lot likely to inform you call the police if they note something fishy. When you are away for instance, they will likely call in any suspicious occurrences in your home.

  1. Proof your home against fires

While most security measures concentrate around invasions, fires are just as fatal and destructive. About 3000 people perish in residential fires each year yet keeping smoke detectors in proper working order is almost adequate to protect homes from runaway fires.

  1. Boost safety around hazardous areas

Drowning ranks as the third leading reason for accidental deaths in America. Death in swimming pools account for half these deaths. Luckily, you can boost the pool’s security and keep out inquisitive young neighbors by erecting a fence around the perimeter.

While it may not be possible to keep the home 100 percent secure, these low-tech and less demanding measures will probably do more than 95 percent of the job if implemented properly.


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