What Animals Are Harmful to the Wood in Your Home?

Wooden House
Photo by Simon Matzinger from Pexels

The biggest challenges homeowners face are the maintenance and repairs. While much of the wear and tear on your home is to be expected, like the water heater eventually breaking down, other problems can come as a complete surprise to many new homeowners. For example, you have probably heard of termites infesting the wood of a house and causing structural damage, but did you know that other animals, including rats, mice, skunks, and bees could damage the wood in your home as well? Below are examples of some animals that could be damaging your home, with some tips on how to deal with them.


These pesky little critters are best known for their ability to chew through the structural wood in people’s homes and do a surprising amount of damage considering their size. Contrary to what some believe, termites are not ants, nor are they closely related to ants at all. Strangely, termites are more closely related to cockroaches.

Termites are what are known as detritivores, which means that they get their nutrition by feeding on decomposing animals and plants. A major food source for them is cellulose, which they often find in the form of wood in our homes.

There are ways to check if you have termites, like probing exposed wood with a screwdriver to look for soft and hollow spots, but this is a very unreliable way to inspect for the pest. If you think there is a chance that you have termites, call a professional and allow them to conduct a thorough inspection.

This inspection can last up to a few hours and if termites are found, they give you a few options on how to get rid of them. It doesn’t always require a tent and fumigating your entire house. Termites can do some serious damage to your home’s structure, so if you believe you may have an infestation, it is better to act quickly.


Having rodents live in your home is unfortunate for a lot of reasons, apart from them being extremely unsanitary. One thing that a lot of homeowners do not know is that rodents like mice and rats damage the wood in homes. Many concerned homeowners will invest in getting rid of mice as rodents often chew on wood to peel pieces off and make a nest.

While rodents do not typically enter the home, only looking for wood like termites, they can still cause serious damage to the structural integrity of your house. That’s why it’s important to act fast if you find them.

Other than catching sight of them scurrying around the house, you can also keep an eye out for droppings that are usually small and dark pellets. If you suspect your home has a rodent infestation, there are things you can try to do to get rid of them. First, you can clean up any food or debris in your home because with less food out and fewer places to hide in the home, they will move on more quickly. The second step is to either lay down traps, poison or call an exterminator. Professionals are far more effective but are expensive too.


Certain birds vary by location, so you may or may not have to worry about woodpeckers damaging the wood on your home. While birds typically do not look to nest inside the home, and the damage is likely to be more aesthetic, there are still things you can do to protect your home. An outdoor cat should be enough to keep most birds away, although you do risk the possibility that the cat will catch and kill the birds.

Another option is to use screens and certain decorative items to block off the places where a bird would possibly nest. Stay up to date with state and federal law because some birds are protected, so it could be illegal to harm them, or perhaps even to relocate them.

If you believe something is eating or boring into the wood in your house, the best thing to do is to stay calm, act quickly, and consult a professional.

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