10 Insects Every Homeowner Should Know About

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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

As a homeowner, you need to be aware of the different kinds of insects that could seriously affect your life at home. Of course, household insects vary by region, depending on the climate and geographical factors. However, the ten insects mentioned below are among the most common ones you need to look out for no matter where you live.

1. Cockroaches

Not only are cockroaches disgusting to have around, but they are also very unhealthy and are an indicator of uncleanliness and neglect. Studies have shown that people who grew up with houses that had cockroaches were at a higher risk of having allergies and asthma.

There are different ways to exterminate cockroaches. One way to take care of a cockroach infestation is by using chemical bombs. When killing the cockroaches with these bombs, make sure that all cabinets and drawers are open so that the bugs do not escape. After this, you need to ensure that the cockroaches are fully exterminated by wiping down all counters and floors with a mixture of boric acid, sugar, and water or pure boric acid.

2. Termites

Termites are a huge issue, especially if you have a lot of wooden furniture in your home. Termites appear in the presence of wet and rotting wood but can quickly spread to healthy wood. If you think your home is infested with infested with termites, then you need to take action quickly before the entire foundation of your home is compromised.

If a termite infestation reaches the foundation, it will drastically impact the value of your home. So you definitely need to contact an exterminator ASAP! If you still haven’t built your home and know for a fact that your area has been infested with termites before, you need to chemically treat the land to ensure that termites do not become an issue.

3. Carpet Beetles

Unlike what their name implies, carpet beetles also affect furniture and clothes. Carpet beetles come in via windows and other openings and can become an issue if they spread throughout the house. Dealing with them as soon as possible is key to avoiding ruined furniture, clothes, and linens. You could stop them from wreaking havoc by constantly vacuuming their hiding places that include carpets, curtains, and any place with clutter.

4. Bees

During the warmer months, a couple of bees can make their way into your home. This is usually no big deal, since it’s normally just one or two bees. However, bees can become a big problem if they are a constant occurrence; this may mean that you have a beehive in your yard (or worse, in your home)! Although bees won’t cause you issues, they can attack anyone that they deem as a threat. This could put you at risk if you are allergic to bee stings or if you have children or pets around.

Dealing with a bee problem depends on the kind of bees you have flying around. For example, bumblebees are quite common in Las Vegas, Mexico, and Canada. They are a crucial part of the ecosystem and should not be killed. You can judge whether the bee you found is dangerous or not by reading this useful guide that compares the different bee species. If you suspect that there is a beehive in your home, you will need to identify the species first to ensure that you are following the proper procedures.

5. Wasps

Unlike many kinds of bees, all wasps are quite dangerous. Wasps also live in hives, and you never want to disturb a wasp’s nest– it will only result in pain! If you see a wasp anywhere in your home, you need to ensure there are no nests in your yard. Keep in mind that wasps could build nests in tree branches that might not be as noticeable as other insects’ homes.

6. Spiders

Spiders are more common in some areas than in others. Spiders can be easily detected when you locate their webs. Typically, you will find spiders in areas that are cluttered with things that have not been moved for a long time. They usually show up in attics or in high corners that are not frequently cleaned.

7. Bedbugs

Bedbugs are dangerous because they suck your blood and can quickly spread to all types of clothes and furniture, such as beds and couches. Bedbugs are flat and can be hard to get rid of because of their shape. You need to exterminate them using chemicals. Let Mr Pest Control bed bugs in Barrie assist you in understanding more about bed bugs and help you eliminate them.

8. Powder Post Beetles

This beetle type is similar to termites; they eat wood, but unlike termites, powder post beetles only attack hardwood. They might not affect your home’s foundation, but they will destroy molding, flooring, and cabinets. They can also lower the value of your home.

9. Carpenter Ants

These ants don’t just attack all kinds of wood; they have well-muscled jaws that can easily hollow out tunnels in various wood types, which can ruin the structural integrity of different furniture or even your entire home.

Floor Sweeper
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

10. Indoor Ants

Indoor ants may not cause serious damage to your home, but they can be a source of great annoyance because they can spread everywhere. They are usually attracted to crumbs, spills, and uncovered food. An indoor ant infestation can escalate to the point where leaving food uncovered for just a few minutes could attract a multitude of ants.

Now that you are aware of the different types of insects that could pose a problem to you as a homeowner, you can take the necessary precautions required to keep the pests at bay. An insect-free home is a happy and healthy home, so be sure to keep it clean and free of clutter–and don’t leave any food uncovered!

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