Wellbeing Essentials for Burnt-out Entrepreneurs

Woman working

Suffering from work-related stress and ultimately burnout is fast becoming a global epidemic. Burnout is becoming increasingly common in the workplace but a lesser known fact is that business owners and entrepreneurs are also prime candidates.

It is not surprising really as it takes a lot to get a new business off the ground. It is easy to put everything you have into your venture, yet before you know it that is all you are doing, and the stress can literally sneak up on you.

In a state of stress our body suffers both emotionally and physically. We are not meant to live our lives in this state frequently, it is simply not healthy.

The first sign of burnout varies across individuals and it could be as mild as feeling generally more fatigued than usual. As soon as you recognise that you may be nearing or experiencing burnout its important to STOP and review things!

What can you do differently to take care of yourself? What signs were your body telling you that you were ignoring? What can you change to ensure you get the downtime you need on a more frequent basis?

Here are some areas to help guide you through this process and ensure your wellbeing is prioritised as much as your business venture. After all, they are both reliant on each other for success!

Create Firm Boundaries

For those who work from home, it is vital to have a separate space that is designated to non-work activities. This is an essential boundary which is a common challenge for Entrepreneurs who do not have a separate workspace.

This is relatively affordable and easy to achieve even if you don’t have a dedicated room. For example, you could create a decorative partition using cut to size MDF to divide an existing room.

Accessibility of Wellbeing Aids

Integrate wellbeing into your life and work, by making it easy and accessible. If you don’t have time to go to the gym or the spa, have these available at home so they can become a part of your weekly wellbeing routine. Exercise and relaxation are the nemesis of stress so be sure to get your body moving every day and give it much needed downtime, like enjoying a creative or relaxing activity.

For example, you could purchase a hot tub spa, buy a cross trainer or even create your own chill out space which is specifically for relaxation activities like readings, arts and crafts, meditation or playing music.

Hot tubs have even been found to significantly reduce stress. Buoyancy, heat and hot tub jets all contribute to relieving tension by relaxing muscles, increasing blood flow and stimulating feel good endorphins.

Don’t Underestimate Diet

When we are busy, it is all too easy to reach for the convenience foods and let’s be honest these are usually less healthy and, in some cases, pure junk. As they say – you are what you eat – and it’s important to view anything you eat as fuel for your body.

If you want to be productive and achieve your entrepreneurial goals, you will need to fuel yourself with the right nutrition to aid focus and concentration.

Opting for complex carbohydrates, eating healthy snacks such as fruits and nuts at frequent intervals and drinking plenty of water should all help with optimal brain function and sustained energy levels.

Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion

As entrepreneurs, we are often putting an unnecessary amount pressure on ourselves to achieve. This might be because there is much at stake or perhaps it is just about having high standard. Therefore, lowering expectations and quite literally giving yourself a break can do wonders for instantly relieving unnecessary stress.

Becoming curious of your thoughts, behaviours and actions is a great way to begin to tune in with yourself on a daily basis. Notice what thoughts occurred or what happened directly before you felt stress or pressure.

Once you get to stage where you are noticing your own thoughts and feelings in response to various situations, you can begin to challenge your thinking.

Remember, whilst you may be passionate about your business, this is only one area of your life. Finding equilibrium in all areas of your life can be much more effective strategy. If you keep this as your number one goal in life, it may help steer you back to balance the next time stress threatens to take you off course.

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