How to Remain Focused When Running Your Own Business

Man Working
Photo by Jud Mackrill on Unsplash

It’s a funny thing that so many people dream of being their own boss, yet so few are aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Once you’re your own boss, you have to be the bossy guy or girl that keeps the business going… only now you’re on “both ends”. You no longer work for a salary, you work for free, in a sense.

Then comes the liberty of choosing your own schedule. Of course, it depends on how work-intensive your business is, but it can be difficult to juggle too many balls at once. And the balls will come… you either get your job done alright as a boss, and your gig, company or team are more prosperous. Or you miscalculate, procrastinate or get overburdened by responsibilities.

Of course, the theory is easy. Be more focused, eat healthy, read and so on. Of course, these will help you. One of the building blocks of a clear-headed and motivated mindset is when you take care of your body so that it has all it needs for your brain to function without sleep or nutrient-related cognitive sluggishness.

Still, people can’t help it and experience brain fog, lack of motivation and other sensations that are not sufficiently strong enough to be considered mental disorders. Still, their damage to overall well-being exists. Brain fog can lead to not handling things properly when running a business, which can lead to a decline in performance and, ultimately, the company cash flow which keeps it apart.

People with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention hyperactive deficit disorder (ADHD) are predisposed to mess up things at work or perform low in school. You may be suffering from ADHD without knowing it because, by the time you’ve acquired it, you aren’t conscious that it takes too much to remain focused on the task at hand.

Modafinil is both an effective treatment for ADHD, and a solution for difficult days when running a business. While regular off-label use is not recommended, there is no doubt that many people have used it or are doing so, at the expense of the much more dangerous Adderall or Ritalin. Your doctor can prescribe Provigil for you, or you can buy it online from

While the health aspect of using Modafinil, Piracetam, or any other apparently safe cognitive enhancer (or nootropic) is debatable, the short-term benefits can have lasting long-term benefits with regards to one’s quality of life.

If, during a certain period of your life, you felt that you could need a boost, then boosting your mind to accomplish great feats is something you might take into consideration.

There are a myriad of other plant-based nootropics that are used by all sorts of professionals to excel in today’s competitive world. The nootropics biz is actually booming… and it sure isn’t for no reason.

Prior medical consultation is paramount. Even if you’re not getting prescribed or you’re not purchasing your supplements from your doctor, you need to see if it’s safe for you to be using any synthetic substance.

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