Real Dangers That Social Networking Websites Pose to Our Society

There is no doubt that social networking websites have created a revolution in social connectivity. But they can also be damaging for society in numerous ways. Here we are going to inform you about the potential dangers that we might face while using them

Are Social Media Becoming Dangerous for Society?

We are all got used to using social media websites on an everyday basis. But can you imagine what a great threat they hold? Google, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram are integrating into everything and just going to blanket the whole world. Monopolies and oligopolies take advantage of this websites to concentrate their power, data and take control of the public space. This technology gives rich people the opportunity to control our ideas and assumptions, avoid regulation, and even buy political influence. Let’s get insight into other risks that social networking sites put us at.

Group of people smiling at phone


Social networking services provide a large amount of personal information and raw data about people, organizations, and governments and services where perform writing help for students. You should always bear in mind that once you posted some information to a social networking site, it is no longer private. Personal information you share could be used to conduct attacks against you. The more information you post, the more vulnerable you may become. It is better not to store any information you want to protect on any device that connects to the Internet.


Social media provide bullies with new platforms for their hurtful behavior. Cyberbullying is considered to be a type of bullying that takes place through interactive technology and includes harassment, insults, and embarrassment. In some serious situations, people might even attempt suicide when cyberbullying goes untreated and unnoticed. So, you should address this problem quickly and effectively in order to reduce the dangers that it poses to people’s well-being.

Hackers’ manipulations

Smartphone with apps on screen

Hackers know very well that humans are a weak link in cyber security. There are primarily two tactics that they use to exploit online social networks. Social hackers manipulate people through social interactions and computer savvy hackers specialize in gaining and installing unwanted software on your computer or phone. They can collect the needed information such as username, passwords, and other to penetrate to the user account and steal money. Be always wary, as hackers hide their attacks and design their actions to appear legitimate and harmless.

Negative impact on health

Some experts claim that mindlessly scrolling through our social media accounts is as harmful for our health as smoking. There are various ways that the online world can affect your mental and physical well-being.

  • Social media addiction can cause social withdrawal, eye strain, and reduced sleep
  • Our lives are becoming mentally unhealthy
  • Social networking saps your energy away from other important activities
  • The more you use social media, the less happy you seem to be
  • Social media can cause anxiety and other negative emotions
  • If you take everything you read on social media as fact, you may end up believing incorrect advice on how treat certain illnesses.

The rise of malware

Social media sites have become a useful channel for those who want to spread malware such as virtuosos, warms, and Trojan horses through social engineering. The sites can spread malware through bad links or encouraging visitors to download malicious programs. The thing is that those people who manage social media accounts on behalf of business are particularly at risk of advanced malware.

Woman smiling at her phone

Impact on productivity

The use of social media during working hours has become a huge problem. There are a lot of companies that have already blocked social networks on their office since addicted employees distract themselves instead of focusing their attention on work. You may be surprised to find out that some British companies lose billions of dollars every year because of their employees’ media addiction. So, discipline yourself to keep social media away till after work in order to help the company you work in to thrive.

We won’t be able to imagine our world without social media websites since they have become an integral part of our everyday life. But we shouldn’t allow them to become a monster that consumes our lives, money, and steals our precious time.

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