Creating Connections – The Health Imperative

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Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Since the early cave drawings, people have found ways to communicate with one another. While the mediums have changed, from letter writing to telegrams to emails, the purpose has not. Humans need to create connections with one another. This need couldn’t be more evident than it is today with COVID-19 conditions driving physical separation and health anxiety.

When we look at the worldwide health landscape, we see headlines extolling the latest crisis, but this isn’t our first health crisis. Crises like obesity and the opioid addiction have plagued the public for many years, and medical professionals have always weighed in on solutions to solve these global epidemics. Beyond broadcasting the health problems, how are we using today’s communication mediums to not only educate the population about health and wellness but also create what we have always craved — a need to connect with others in a meaningful way?

Technology has created an opportunity to address this essential need and restore the connection so fundamental to our humanity. However, with our increasingly connected world via social media there resides both opportunity and risk. Numerous studies have drawn a correlation between an increase in technology use and as increase in loneliness. Similarly, other studies are claiming the opposite to be true. What all the studies do agree on, is that how and for what purpose one uses technology, will determine the resulting feelings. The risk involves the painting of a false narrative, that life is perfect, or you are forever found wanting. In essence, like our healthcare narrative, we fall short again and again. Individuals who struggle from any number of conditions from obesity to depression are on the rise and social media may serve to further stigmatize and traumatize by misguided comments.

But I see great opportunity as well in social media. I have witnessed, firsthand at Herbalife Nutrition, how individuals, many of whom are our independent distributors, are serving as connection and community amplifiers. Forming private chat groups, these individuals create an opportunity to connect with a community, together developing love, support, education, and solutions that work. The wisdom of the crowd has an opportunity to help individuals address their specific concerns. But most importantly, we address what we lacked — a feeling of deep connection.

The challenge is not technology as it is actually part of the cure. The challenge is the intentional unplugging and replugging into the sources that connect you with health enhancing power. Like a moth to a flame, we need not fly straight into the negative energy that consumes and isolates so many. We can find great and meaningful connections maintained with those who truly care for our wellbeing. Healthcare providers were slowly recognizing this power, and now as a result of the current conditions, are increasingly plugging into ways to stay connected with their patients. My hope is that they will move beyond checking on disease but checking on life itself. Wouldn’t it be nice if the healthcare system was more like my Nike Run Club app, sending me a message of praise for a healthy action I took instead of simply reminding me of my next diabetic appointment? Even without the healthcare system there are ample opportunities now to plug into health enhancing communities.

Our imperative is to stay connected — to sources that are healthy. And just like saying no to that unhealthy food choice, we can say no to those unhealthy influences in our lives.

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Kent Bradley, M.D., MPH, MBA, is the Chief Health and Nutrition Officer at Herbalife Nutrition and chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board. Dr. Bradley is responsible for nutrition and product education and training for the Company, including developing educational tools and learning platforms for distributors to ensure they receive ongoing training to deliver a best-in-class customer experience tailored to each individual’s needs. Prior to joining Herbalife Nutrition, Dr. Bradley held senior executive roles in the public and private sector. He is actively involved in multiple community health and wellbeing initiatives and founded Core Communities, a nonprofit supporting healthy communities, by creating compelling content that encourages conversations on important issues. He has served as a strategic advisor to multiple health technology companies with a special focus on consumer engagement. Dr. Bradley is a retired Army Colonel, graduate of the United States Military Academy and has a Master in Public Health from the University of Minnesota, an executive Master of Business Administration from the University of Denver, and his medical degree from the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland. He is board certified in Public Health and Preventive Medicine and holds a certificate in Corporate Governance from INSEAD.