What We Need More in Education: True Values

The true value of education: what we really need

Do you want your children to feel the same failure and frustration as you did if you failed your tests? Now the mess in education is so big that the government wants to introduce tests for 7-year-old children; this is how far it goes. Now children cannot think about anything else than the constant evaluation of their skills and behavior by politicians and educators. Education has lost its way and it is going in the wrong direction.

Education influence

Do you remember the feeling of worthlessness and despair because you were not so good at passing tests? The pressure from parents and school sometimes may become too tough. Some students are better at studying than others, so how can we judge everyone the same way? You may be good at sports, someone is great at the arts, an essay writer is good at writing, someone can quickly learn how to fix cars — all people are different.

But when you fail your exam or test, society makes you feel that something is wrong with you, while something is really wrong with society. Such behavior makes us feel less confident and lacking certain skills. The worse you do, the more pressure you get from others and it may even lead to depression.

The only way to resolve this is to become wilder: connect with nature and understand who you really are and what your strengths are. Shaped by your experiences, you can strengthen your character and get back on track. So instead of spending all your time on studying, though that is important, focus on yourself, your wellbeing and connection with the real world. This does not mean give up studies; this only underlines the true values in our lives.

Improves confidence

What do you know about the wilderness? It doesn’t actually require a lot to invest in enjoying it. There are special camps and schools that can help you connect with nature and get out of the classroom. Building a shelter and looking for food fosters creativity and you can truly relax. This is especially good for emotional and social development and it also helps people overcome their self-consciousness. According to recent research, it has been proven that if children have more time to spend outdoors, they become healthier and happier. The wilderness reduces hyperactivity and impacts those who suffer from attention deficit disorder.

Why we need nature

Have you heard about Kurt Hahn who was one of the first fans of outdoor education? This man founded a special school and movement in Germany and the US and he considered education to be craftsmanship, physical skills and community service. The Scandinavians have also been following this path for many years. Such an approach means that children are expected to work together outdoors and not sit in the classrooms listening to lectures and trying to be collaborative.

The system is heading toward improving communication, building up confidence and strengthening character rather than making students pass exams and assessing them all the time. The progressive system of education seems old-fashioned now and it should work inside out. Natural education is a popular topic for discussion and outdoor classes are very attractive both for our physical and emotional states.

Many parents are considering changes in education for the better future of their children. We need to ensure that all kids have access to the same opportunities and the governments should think about launching a program investing in the health and wellbeing of our future generations.

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