Making Social Security Work for You

Advice, Strategies, and Timelines That Can Maximize Your Benefits

51FDSxwySgL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_ emilyBetween 2011 and 2029, each day approximately 10,000 Americans will become eligible to collect Social Security retirement benefits, making advice about Social Security timely and relevant (Social Security Administration).

Despite reports of Social Security’s impending bankruptcy, Social Security remains an important part of most Americans’ retirement plans. But will it be enough? Making Social Security Work for You teaches readers what they need to know about Social Security retirement benefits and the options they can choose to help meet retirement goals.

In straightforward, easy-to-understand language, this compact guide provides advice on the advantages and disadvantages of delaying benefits as well as the best ways to maximize benefits, depending on financial or marital situations.

Featuring a glossary of terms to help readers better understand Social Security jargon; a full explanation on how the current system works; and practical, actionable advice on how and when to save additional retirement funds, this book shows readers how to make retirement the best it can possibly be.

E13IR4yh emilyEmily Guy Birken (Milwaukee, WI) is a finance writer who writes the “Live Like a Mensch” column for The Dollar Stretcher. She is also a contributor to Wise Bread, PT Money, Money Crashers, Yahoo! Finance, and Business Insider, as well as many other personal financial sites. She is the author of The 5 Years Before You Retire.



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