How to Recycle Used Office Furniture

Depositphotos 27499923 m 2015
Depositphotos 27499923 m 2015

Modern workplaces are well-equipped with the latest versions of computers, ultra large projector screens, sturdy cabinets, big-budget furniture settings, extravagant interiors and other items. With swiftly changing fashion trends and increasing competition in the business world, even office setups are undergoing complete revamps. Shifting scenarios today are demanding the need to bring about a change or an altering of office furniture to give a fresh professional look to the entire workplace.

However, this comes with the great task of replacing one’s old, existing office equipment with new ones. As sensible and responsible citizens, many of us (maybe forcefully due to international legislation) are bent towards following the popular R’s and doing whatever bit we can to prevent environmental disaster.

Don’t just get rid of your old office furniture by disposing it in the trash; spend your money more contientiously. You can still reuse your office furniture, refurbish it or even disassemble it for recycling purposes. Recycling used office computer equipment is a wise way to not only judicially use your old furniture and save money but even prevent it from being disposed of in landfills and causing pollution.

Consider the below options before replacing your old furniture with new ones:

  • Look for online sites which trade in old, used furniture. You will either get an option to sell or exchange it for new furniture.
  • Be good and donate it to charity! Various NGOs and government organizations across the nation indulge in buying used office furniture and give away these items to the needy, government schools, low-income people, etc.
  • Think twice before disposing away office IT hardware. If you have other branches, you can maybe use your old furniture to equip your other office premises.
  • You could in fact arrange a fun activity for your employees by involving them in painting the worn-down office furniture to give the pieces funky looks and maybe use them for creating a cool office terrace area!
  • Advertise about your assets resale among corporations. There are many offices which may be willing to buy second-hand office furniture at cheaper rates for their initial setups.
  • Sell the items to someone who specializes in recycling used office equipment.
  • Approach the closest recycling company and get your office furniture disassembled and then separated into its various constituent materials. You can then sell the scrap on the market and earn a great deal.

Some tips to keep in mind before disposal of old hardware:

  • Separate the various parts of the equipment such as plastic, metal and fabric.
  • Ensure you tape the loose parts such as drawers, doors, etc.
  • Ensure proper storage of office files before shredding so as to prevent any kind of data loss or leakage.
  • Approach a scrap metal buyer/dealer and get all that metal material melted down and converted into other essential products.

Each company may find one solution to be more feasible than the other. There is no “one size fits all” policy regarding recycling used office equipment. So go ahead and adopt these easy steps for engaging in responsible recycling of business equipment.

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