How an Air Purifier Can Keep Your Office Healthy

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Air pollution doesn’t just happen outside. It can occur indoors as well. Pollutants can build up quickly. Dust, dirt, mold, and mildew can all spew nasty irritants into the air. This is even more of a risk in office environments.

Office environments are usually more insulated than homes, which can mean that air doesn’t circulate through space as well. This means air can sometimes not flow as well and can get stale. This can lead to a condition called Sick Building Syndrome, and can irritate and cause symptoms in people with pre-existing respiratory conditions or allergies. When you’re running a business, you want to keep your employees healthy. That way, you can keep the company running more effectively; check out office space air filters for more info.

How an Air Purifier Can Help

Carbon and HEPA air purifiers can trap potentially harmful particles, pollutants, gases, and chemicals that may be lurking in your office air. A good air purifier could also rid your office of persistent odors. This is perfect if you have any co-workers who like to eat pungent lunches at their desk!

HEPA filters are proven to remove up to 99.9% of harmful particles from office air, including pollen, dust, and mites. This helps office workers avoid Sick Building Syndrome, a range of symptoms that people working in offices with dirty air can suffer from.

Air purifiers can remove particles that pollute the air, such as spores and dust, but that doesn’t make them a miracle cure for symptoms that can come about as a result of breathing bad quality office air. Cleaning the air doesn’t automatically clean the body, especially for those people who are already more sensitive to poor air, such as those with pre-existing asthma, allergies, or other respiratory conditions. There is, however, a lot of evidence that says air purifiers can help in reducing symptoms caused by pollutants, such as dust mites or cat dander, removing them before they can settle. More massive particles settle faster, so those who are subject to allergies can support their air purifier by keeping their office space clean, well-ventilated with fresh air, and clutter-free.

Why an Air Purifier Is the Way to Go

Indoor air pollution is among the top environmental health risks that can affect people, especially those working in shared spaces like offices. The best way to maintain office health and minimize the risk of someone getting sick is to accurately control and monitor possible sources of pollutants, and make sure the office is regularly ventilated with clean, fresh air from outside – unless of course, the outside air isn’t too hot either. In this case, an air purifier or other air cleanser is the best way to go.

In conclusion, air purifiers can decrease levels of airborne spores, mold, allergens, and reduce other pollutants, but they won’t reduce any symptoms you have that came about because you’ve been breathing poor air. If you have symptoms, visit your doctor.

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