Top Key Pieces of Furniture Your Business Needs

Business lounge

Did you know that you probably spend between one fifth to one third of your time in the workplace?

As a business manager or owner, you should probably ask yourself the question: what kind of environment do I want to spend that percentage of my life in?

You also don’t want to forget about your employees, clients, and customers. Not only do you want to create a workspace that you enjoy, but you also want to create one that they will enjoy as well.

One of the predominant factors in regards to how relaxing and enjoyable your workspace will be is what kind of furniture you have. Indeed, commercial furniture for businesses really does play a significant factor in regards to how comfortable your business building as a whole is going to be.

Here are the key pieces of furniture that your business needs:

Chairs and Desks

Chairs and desks are essentially the basics of office furniture. In fact, chairs and desks are really the only pieces of furniture that are present in offices that go for a more minimalistic feel and vibe.

When choosing chairs for your business, ergonomics and comfort definitely matter more than how they look. After all, employees are going to be sitting in those chairs for potentially forty hours a week.

Even if the look of the chairs match the feel of your office, if they are not comfortable to sit in, that’s going to be a major blow to employee productivity. At the bare minimum, go with office chairs that are ergonomic, have a backrest, an adjustable seat height in order to comfortably accommodate more people, stability, and a headrest.

When it comes to desks, it will be smart to buy as many desks for each employee as you would chairs. You should also get desks that contain drawers for storage purposes.

Living Space Furniture

Designate a ‘living space’ in your office. It can be a good way to boost employee productivity, because it gives them a chance to relax and unwind during each break (rather than being confined to their office areas).

Have at least one lounge area in your office that consists of coffee tables, comfortable sofas, chairs, and bookcases. The goal should be to create a relaxing environment that will help to give exhausted employees a boost during a break, and/or to give employees and customers a comfortable place to wait before a scheduled appointment.

Communal Desks

Communal desks are desks that are designed for multiple people to simultaneously work at. You’ll need them for your meeting spaces, or for rooms where co-workers can brainstorm together, hold staff meetings, or sit down with clients.

Needless to say, you’re going to use communal desks more often than you otherwise would have thought. A large desk and comfortable chairs to go with it will be necessary.

When looking for communal desks, look for ones that include spaces for placing power outlets (such as in the middle) and that would work well with multiple people working together. Simply placing multiple small desks together won’t exactly work, at least not as well.

Cafeteria Furniture

You have an eating area in your office area, right? Take note that the eating room needs to be different from the living space that we discussed above.

Take note that you don’t need to do anything too fancy (or comfortable) here because it simply isn’t necessary. Just simple folding chairs and folding tables or desks are really all that you need for cafeteria furniture. The more minimal and cheaper you go here, the better.

Storage Furniture

Finally, you’re going to need storage furniture as well. Granted, many businesses are turning away from the need for file cabinets because they are transferring to paperless record keeping and keeping their files in the cloud.

Nonetheless, you’re going to need storage furniture for keeping at least some documents. You’ll be best served by going with furniture that can be easily hidden, such as under desks, where it will be away from view. This will give your office space much less of a clunky look.

Key Pieces of Furniture for Your Business

Obviously there is much more that goes into determining how relaxing and productive your office space can be. But the furniture will have a massive impact on your space’s overall feel and function.

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