Simple Methods to Keep Your Home Office Space Neat, Hygienic & Tidy

Businesswoman Sanitizing Laptop

As we’re now in the age of COVID-19 for the time being, it’s important to be more hygienic and clean. Even without a pandemic going on, it’s still important to have a neat and spotless working space to help prevent the spread of bacteria, as well as simply to feel at peace with your surroundings. Because a computer keyboard and mouse are some of the most contaminated spots in any office, home or otherwise, it’s a good idea to practice hygienic and safe cleaning habits every day.

If you value your health and the health of others around you, then ensure you start cleaning your workstation and keep it tidy in the following ways each day. Make sure you have a good liquid hand soap in your home, so that you actually enjoy washing your hands with something that has a nice scent and antibacterial and moisturizing properties. Look online to find one that feels right to you so that you’ll wash your hands more often.

Clean your keyboard and mouse a few times a week

Although many of us are pretty much close to experts regarding handwashing by now, occasionally our guard might slip. Especially in a house with several people living under the same roof, it may happen that not everyone is on top of their handwashing game. This means if you’re touching something popular in a house like the microwave and/or fridge door and then returning to your keyboard and mouse, it’s possible you’re transferring the germs onto these devices you use every day.

Regardless of whether you’re using an external keyboard or a laptop keyboard, try to tip it upside down into the trash bin to remove anything like hair or crumbs (you never know). You can use cans of compressed air and also put isopropyl alcohol onto a cotton swab and lightly rub the keys, as well as the top and bottom of the mouse — make sure everything is unplugged or switched off before doing this. If you’re really serious, you could also prise the keys out with a blunt knife and soak them in hot water and dish detergent, then dry and replace them.

Don’t forget your screen

You might not touch your computer screen so much, but it can still find a way to gather dust and finger smudges. It’s best to use a microfiber cleaning cloth and the tiniest amount of water to clean the screen. Don’t spray water onto the screen or anything, but just slightly wet a corner of the cloth and get to work on the screen. Don’t use any chemicals or cleaning fluids.

Maintain your desk space

If you regularly eat and drink at your desk, which shouldn’t ideally be the case but it does happen fairly often, you should dust and then use a cleaning spray on the surface every day. You might be surprised about the amount of germs and bacteria that can end up on your desks, especially if you eat there too. Regularly vacuum and mop if necessary under your desk, too. In general, try to have a workspace that is purely for work, as it lessens the chance of nasty germs ending up there.

Disinfect your phone

Probably one item that we touch the most throughout the day, our phones are practically a hotbed for all sorts of bacteria that need to be dealt with. If you bring your phone outside and use it often, then definitely clean it when you get home after washing your hands. Use a disinfectant spray on a paper towel and rub the phone clean, but avoid spraying directly onto the device (also make sure it’s switched off). If there is a plastic or rubber cover on the phone, then you could soak it in hot water and dish detergent. Even if you haven’t been outside with your phone, clean it once a day to be sure. Try not to take it into the bathroom with you, as there are all kinds of bacteria that can latch themselves onto your phone in there!

Reduce the amount of clutter

Even though it’s hard to avoid, attempt to reduce clutter from building up on your desk, especially if it’s non-work related. The more things there are on your desk, the more things that can get dirty with dust and germs! Be more organized and store away things in cupboards and drawers and only have the desk space for your computer and anything else you need for the time you’re working. Do a big cleanup every Friday to see if there’s anything you can throw away or recycle to avoid things building up unnecessarily.

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